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do you believe in aliens?

astennu @astennu
commented on
do you believe in aliens?
astennu @astennu
I think the approach most scientists go is a little weird (oxygen and water based planets are „the only source of life“) to find possible alien planets.
This might be how life on earth evolved, but even on earth we have deep see animals that work completely different from what we are used to.
Life always find it‘s way, as it‘s main instinct is to survive and reproduce. So it is most likely also able to evolve in a different atmosphere, with different gravity and density as well as a different diluting liquid. Oh and lets not forget about temperatures.
We may have had luck with our perfect conditions and there might be a planet and an alien species with the same conditions, but I guess it‘s way easier to find one with vastly different ones.
To be fair, I‘m always very hyped when scientists are able to find traces of past life on a different planet. It‘s just too interesting to not be interested!
What Kind of Multiplayer do you Enjoy?

astennu @astennu
commented on
What Kind of Multiplayer do you Enjoy?
astennu @astennu
I like playing MMORPG as well as local or online coop games. Online I‘m mainly playing Starbound and Minecraft with friends, as well as hanging out with them in VRChat, Tower Unite and Second Life - where there‘s a bunch of minigame sims. Oh, and let‘s not forget about Golf With Your Friends and Risk of Rain.
Local I‘m usually playing on the Switch. Usually it‘s Smash Bros and Mario Kart, but I also played BoTW in „coop“ (one had the left joycon, the other one the right. Nevertheless, we defeated the tree of evil together.). Like, seriously, split joycons are just the perfect way to mess around!
I was never the PvP person, as I‘m easily stressed out in those situations. So I just stick with some nice coop!