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kazzz @kazzz
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kazzz @kazzz
I dont really fallow manga that comes out into the US. I fallow along with what comes out from Japan. Which I think is what most people do now days unless your a young kid.

Blackwing218 @blackwing218
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Blackwing218 @blackwing218
Dude, odd question. Does ur name stand for assassins creed 2?

kristinetime @kristinetime
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kristinetime @kristinetime
Well, I like Samurai Champloo a lot. Have you seen it?
What's Your Favorite Japan/Korean Music?

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What's Your Favorite Japan/Korean Music?
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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)

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日本語できる人いる?(Does anyone can speak or write Japanese?)
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