r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I had a bad day last week but

Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
Part 1
What did we do when she visited here in Georgia? Well I can see she already mentioned quite a few things so I might end up going overboard and turning it into a play by play or something like that whatever LOL.
Well technically the first thing that we did when she was in Georgia was talk on the phone while she was driving down here. It was sometime before midnight when we started talking and when she was about 24 minutes away from my house she thought she'd saw my mom driving in a van. After about 5 minutes it was confirmed that it was my mom LMAO. Then for the rest of the drive she was freaking out because she was driving within 5 cars if not right next to my mom for the next 15ish minutes LMAO XD. When she finally drove up and asked where she should park I had some fun directing her where to park while peeking through the blinds and making comments like "you can park on the curb just past the mailbox, and yes just like that". After she parked the car and I came out I walked up to the driver's side from an angle that she could only see me from by looking out from her side mirror and I looked in on her while intentionally angling myself to look at her from above.
She was really nervous LOL but my courage was bolstered by how excited I was at seeing her and having the effects of my ADHD medication worn off. She pretty quickly tried to cover your face and said "well now you see me so I guess it's time to go now" at which I promptly jump onto the hood of her car and seated myself there with my legs crossed and facing the front windshield. She said " I can still drive with you on there you know that right?" To which I promptly replied that yes I did know that but it would be kind of hazardous to do that and so she probably shouldn't LOL. Later that night we ended up talking late into the morning which I think it's accurate to say was about 3:30 to 4am. The first thing that she saw when I show her to her room was probably the heart on the bed that I made with bungee cords Haruhi plush that I laid on the bed ^_^
The next morning I set my alarm to wake me up at about 9 a.m. and as per her request, though I couldn't say that I didn't want to do it anyway, I went into her room to wake her up though she opened her eyes pretty much as soon as I had one arm and one leg on the bed lol. We ended up laying there for a bit, talking and just looking into each other's eyes. Afterwards we went downstairs for some breakfast which I believe was eggs, bacon and toast though she only had the eggs and toast. Shortly after breakfast we got into the golf cart and went down to Flat Creek which is the plays that she likes to point out that I referred to as a nature area lol. Sadly I wasn't thinking very far ahead with this and didn't think to mention that she probably should wear shoes instead of flip flops so it wasn't that comfortable for her. When we arrived at Flat Creek was when I presented her with the Host Club DVD nicely wrapped in Christmas paper because why not? LMAO we ended up walking around the little lake that was there and then walking down in the other direction to take a look at the river and to show her where all the tadpoles where and there were plenty of them at this time of year ^_^
Afterwards we stop by a place called J-Mart and bought some mochi and pocky. I learned some interesting things about mochi and some freaky things about what Japanese thought would be tasty ice cream LOL. Also mention may be less than politically correct jokes here and there XD. I also got to see a bit of a side of her that I've been hoping to see and can't wait to see more of from her having to do with pineapples and mangoes ^_^
After that I showed her the thrift store I volunteered at, clothes less traveled, and I was hoping I could spoil her about getting her a few things there but she wasn't really interested in looking around there at the time for reasons that I can guess at but won't mention lol.
WOW it's hard to believe that all this time was packed into just two days as I think about it. Two days seemed like such a short amount of time at first and even at the end it seemed like such a short amount of time but at the same time in a strange way it seemed like it was so much longer than just 2 days it was simply amazing honestly. I gotta tell you man it was Simply Amazing how great it felt just to snuggle with her. Just to lie there with her with my arms wrapped around her and her arms wrapped around me, it was just simply amazing. What's also amazing is how completely natural it felt to touch her and what I mean by that is I never grew up roughhousing much and so it always go kind of awkward when I would touch people to the extent of feeling weird just patting my brother on the back. I don't mean that I had any problems being touched but to be the person to initiate physical contact always felt awkward and strange for me. But with her it just felt so natural which was kind of mind-blowing after practically 26 years feeling awkward doing that kind of thing ( though I've gotten better with it). As she said, at some point during the second night or rather her first proper night we played the Pocky game lol. That was a new but fun experience for me haha. That night we ended up falling asleep together holding each others hands(and continued to sleep that way) though she slipped out and back to her room in the morning for fear of being discovered by my parents in my bed lmao. That night I'm actually skipped work just to be able to stay with her too lol. Something which I can't say that I regret in the slightest bit either.

Animekid @animekid
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Animekid @animekid
Part 2
The next morning I slipped into her room to wake her up again so she opened her eyes before I even made it to the bed. So much for being a heavy sleeper like she said LMAO. There's another big breakfast downstairs this time obviously with a bit of a blueberry theme to it LOL. There was chopped pineapple with blueberries, blueberry muffins, and blueberry pancakes or wait scratch that I think the pancakes were just regular pancakes. After breakfast we went back to Flat Creek and this time we were properly closed and everything LOL. We went back down to the river around where the tadpoles were and took our shoes off and just sat there for a while with our feet in the water talking. We started having some fun making gases and such about who was most likely to fall in the water with the people a hundred feet or so from us. We decided to try to get into the water a little bit more and try to find a stable place to do so but apparently didn't use a very good spot and all the directions that she could have fallen she ended up falling away from me which is a One Direction I couldn't have saved her from getting wet xD I certainly tried though! On our way back up was when I popped the question asking if she would be my girlfriend. I tried to find a moment where we were in the shade of the trees and all alone but before we had left the area. I quickly walked up behind her, after having intentionally let her get ahead specifically for this reason, and wrap my arms around her and I asked her if she would think of nobody else other than me and not to look at anybody else other than me and at about that point apparently an older gentleman was walking by with a fishing rod because she mentioned such to which curtly replyed "stupid old man with a fishing rod" lol. I quickly picked up where I left off and ask her to be my girlfriend x)
We had an amazing time and and Elton John tribute concert. She made me decide between having lawn seats or taking one of the open seats that were available and so I ended up picking the open seats. She ended up doing a couple of the songs to her surprise LOL. And there was one song in particular, "Your Song", then we both knew and we were singing it while gazing into each other's eyes. I was so happy in that moment. It wasn't the first time that I had done it during her visit but I was stealing kisses from her throughout the night much to her embarrassment a couple times lol. Before the concert was over a woman came by and even complimented us saying that we look so cute together ^_^
There were a number of other things that happen but I suppose this is pretty long already LMAO. Some of the other things or things like going on a golf cart ride and seeing a bit of the sunset while listening to love songs and at one point we were parked in front of some hipsters and we were poking fun at them and I mean hipsters like the dumb hipsters that wear sunglasses when it's dark LMAO. We also watched one of her favorite movies together called "Garden Of Words". It was after asking her to be my girlfriend and before the concert that I presented her with our matching "Tamaki-Senpai X Haruhi Kouhai t-shirts" ^_^
I had such an amazing time with her and I realized at one point when I had to step away from her to take care of the dogs dinner that I didn't even want to be away from her for the two to three minutes it took to take care of their dinner. Before she left she gave me something that she kept with her for a long time. She made a nicely sized Totoro out of those little beads that you put together and then note together with an iron, I can't remember the name of it but it's a pretty common activity for kids. It's pretty cool and now I have it tied hanging in the middle of my headboard or whatever it's called of my bed ^_^ I knew that it was going to be hard when she left but I didn't realize how hard it was going to be. I ended up crying in front of her before she even left the house and again just before she left. I even cried after she left too LOL.
After I gave her the t-shirts I wore one shirt so she could hopefully smell me on it later and the morning of her leaving she sprayed me with her body mist spray and I didn't realize what she was doing at first nor did I realize how much I would appreciate that later after she left. I'm still smiling when I enter my room and I smell her in my room lol. Coming back from work tonight after her leaving I had to hold back the tears after realizing that I could still faintly smell her in my room when I thought that smell a dissipated. I even went full-on creeper today and bought the body mist spray that she used it so I can smell her whenever xD
I can't believe how lucky I am to have her. She gives me something to look forward to each day and I never tire of talking with her even when I have absolutely nothing that I can think of to talk about ahead of time I absolutely love talking with her. The two days that she was here seems so short and yet at the same time seems so much longer than just 2 days it was just simply amazing. I wish that she could have stayed here longer because there's so much more I wanted to do with it. I want you to play games with her, take her out to play laser tag, take her out to eat and just so much more. I really can't wait for the next opportunity to spend time with her like that again. I want to help her in any way I can and to make her happy in any way I can. She is truly an amazing girl and I simply can't imagine being able to find someone quite like her anywhere else. Wow holy crap it took me over like an hour and a half to do this I think lmao!

Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault

Erica-chan @daadaadaa
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Erica-chan @daadaadaa
This are my feelings for all of those MO in love and have met !! Congratulations and someday its gonna be meee hahahaha !!

xxx @__removed_mango_mochi
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xxx @__removed_mango_mochi
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xxx @__removed_mango_mochi what did you and veru do? :D

Daggera @daggera Awe, you two are so kawaii. ^^

xxx @__removed_mango_mochi x) Thank you Daggera

Arc @arc That sounds so sweet ^_^

xxx @__removed_mango_mochi
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xxx @__removed_mango_mochi
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xxx @__removed_mango_mochi I also had a very amazing weekend. Probably some of the best days of my life also. x.x

xxx @__removed_mango_mochi
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xxx @__removed_mango_mochi
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Erica-chan @daadaadaa
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Erica-chan @daadaadaa
Me tooo XD XD I was surprised that were not !!

Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault