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35 year old Male
Atlanta, GA
Blue @blueroselover left a comment for Arc
Feb 14, 16 at 11:29pm
Happy Valentines day Arc~ http://img07.deviantart.net/da03/i/2008/179/5/2/enchanted_blue_rose_by_glistam.jpg
Neko-chi™ @yunoxyukki left a comment for Arc
Feb 14, 16 at 9:31pm
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/43/bd/7c/43bd7cff43c9853f11fd4d084b782455.jpg happy v-day to you too
Arc @arc OH GOD YES
ofmanycolours @ofmanycolours left a comment for Arc
Feb 14, 16 at 7:58pm
Happy Valentine's Day, you goof.
Veru @verucassault left a comment for Arc
Feb 14, 16 at 6:40pm
Yes, I now feel that it was then — on that evening of sweet dreams — that the very first dawn ... burst upon the icy Night of my spirit. Since that period I have never seen nor heard your name without a shiver half of delight, half of anxiety. ...your name never passed my lips, while my soul drank in, with a delirious thirst, all that was uttered in my presence respecting you. The merest whisper that concerned you awoke in me a shuddering sixth sense, vaguely compounded of fear, ecstatic happiness, and a wild, inexplicable sentiment that resembled nothing so nearly as the consciousness of guilt. — Judge, then, with what wondering, unbelieving joy I received in your well-known MS., the Valentine which first gave me to see that you knew me to exist. The idea of what men call Fate lost then for the first time, in my eyes, its character of futility. I felt that nothing hereafter was to be doubted, and lost myself, for many weeks, in one continuous, delicious dream, where all was a vivid yet indistinct bliss. https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/7d/e8/4f/7de84f5477a03eec6a01fa4befc7d5ea.jpg
yaasshat @yaasshat Despite what I may have said, y'all are sweet. Happy Valentine's day!:)
Veru @verucassault left a comment for Arc
Feb 14, 16 at 6:36pm
...but if, throughout some long, dark summer night, I could but have held you close, close to my heart and whispered to you the strange secrets of its passionate history, then indeed you would have seen that I have been far from attempting to deceive you in this respect. I could have shown you that it was not and could never have been in the power of any other than yourself to move me as I am now moved — to oppress me with this ineffable emotion — to surround and bathe me in this electric light, illumining and enkindling my whole nature — filling my soul with glory, with wonder, and with awe. https://passionatedreaming.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/anime-romantic-kiss-477601.jpg
Veru @verucassault left a comment for Arc
Feb 14, 16 at 6:33pm
I have pressed your letter again and again to my lips, ... bathing it in tears of joy, or of a “divine despair”. But I — who so lately, in your presence, vaunted the “power of words” — of what avail are mere words to me now? Could I believe in the efficiency of prayers to the God of Heaven, I would indeed kneel — humbly kneel — at this the most earnest epoch of my life — kneel in entreaty for words — but for words that should disclose to you — that might enable me to lay bare to you my whole heart. All thoughts — all passions seem now merged in that one consuming desire — the mere wish to make you comprehend — to make you see that for which there is no human voice... https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/14/dc/d8/14dcd8c6776f628c7ee6fc5ed3a10b23.jpg
Its sexy Because mmhmmm That is DELICIOUS
Its somebody from my past that is all you need to know also fair enough if she is in danger once i will go full yandere
Black <3~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~