chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
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chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
U better BE respond are a meow meow is gonna have a bad time http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/MIcGkspIBzo/hqdefault.jpg <3

chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
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chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
happy meowtimes http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/040/f/e/chibi_neko_twins_by_mao00mao-d39527t.png .3.

Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault
Arc....don't cheat on this ok?
Where did Noah keep the bees?

Arc @arc Hmm...if I was Noah I would probably keep them locked away in the basement and keep them away from the bees ^_^

Veru @verucassault ...the Ark Hives.

Arc @arc lol, I thought about that way too logically XD

Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault

Lamby's moth mommy @horrormanga21 It should be grell x undertaker T_T

Arc @arc Veru, I know this is yaoi! You can't slip this one past me!

Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault

chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2 Shes So true and i hate it ;-;

Blue @blueroselover
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Blue @blueroselover
My pleasure. You're a nice person. As well, I need to learn how to have a proper harem. Best to learn from the master.

Jessie @erendel
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Jessie @erendel
I like it a lot too! ^u^

chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
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chan(♔)Ayano(♛)Aishi @kawaiicatnekos2
Kit cats ;3

Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault

Arc @arc XD
Perhaps it was a bad idea to let you fantasize, haha

Veru @verucassault The mission he gives you before you can marry him is to bring him a daedra heart. Give him your heart, Arc, give him your heart... ^_^

Veru @verucassault
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Veru @verucassault
Please accept this Valentine I made you!!

Rain @rainx Wouldn't this be a more accurate representation of veru asking arc to be her valentine? http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/test361_7606.jpg XD

Veru @verucassault Sometimes. Like DrunkArc for sure. But I can't be bold all the time. Sometimes Arc is like a nimble philly. I have to let him think he has his freedom in the fields before I lure him in.

Arc @arc what??? XD

Veru @verucassault Sh-sh-Sshhhhhhh... there, there. Eat some sugar cubes dear.