Sonic @sonicspinner
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Sonic @sonicspinner
Aww, that's really sweet. At least that's less cat litter to clean? o.o My dog had a really bad time going to the bathroom when we first got him because he was so anxious all the time, especially around humans. He actually was on Prozac and seizure medication at first, so nobody wanted to adopt him. :( That and also because he's not very good with cats...
I have no idea how much pets usually cost to buy but nonetheless $3000 is a lot of money. o.o Perhaps you can find a rescue for one? It's usually only $200-$300 to adopt, and some rescues will allow you to have the dog for free if you foster for them. Hmm, huskies are generally quite friendly to strangers, to the point that they will welcome intruders in your house. My husky will freak out if anyone he doesn't know well enters our house though, albeit from a safe distance. .___. He's very concerned over his own safety.
Ephemeral Balance @ephemeralbalance
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Ephemeral Balance @ephemeralbalance
I do, although not many of them have been released just yet. That's pretty neat! I've come across a surprising number of people who learned game design but either can't draw or prefer the technical side of it more so than doing art. Not that I can talk. I went to school for animation and don't even like to use 3D programs lol. I can message you a link to some stuff if you'd like.
Sonic @sonicspinner
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Sonic @sonicspinner
Ahaha that sounds so great. Did you rescue them from the street, or rescues? I actually fostered my dog first from a Siberian Husky rescue and ended up adopting him myself since I couldn't let him go.
My god they're adorable. o____o I didn't even know such dogs existed, I've only heard of Alaskan Huskies and Malamutes. They look like a mix between huskies and fennec foxes. Are they also escape artists like huskies?
I want to cuddle it so hard. The eyes are so beautiful!
Although is it weird I think he looks like feline Beast
Sonic @sonicspinner
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Sonic @sonicspinner
It's coming out late September on the Vita. I wish it could have been an actual dancing game, some of the dances look like they would have been really fun to do. At least more fun than just mashing matching buttons on the screen. XD
Wow, that looks gorgeous. I never really got into MMOs much considering how easy it is to spend hours a day playing them. I get addicted to games way too easily as it is already. The character customization possibilities and game mechanics seem really cool though..
I take it from your profile picture you have a penchant for cats. Do you own any yourself? o:
Sonic @sonicspinner
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Sonic @sonicspinner
Oh, you mean this Nanako?
My sister really likes them both as well so I've seen some playthroughs of P4. I would have to say Kanji's my favorite character. 8D Do you plan on getting Dancing All Night when it comes to the states? I have to say Nanako's dancing is super cute in it. o:
Yeah, Persona 5 is one of the reasons I want to get a PS4. It's a little frustrating though that the Xbone has backwards compatibility in the works with nothing of the sort for the PS4.
Same reason why I emulate a lot of older console games. Do you have any PC games you recommend? I've been meaning to get more into PC gaming.
Sonic @sonicspinner
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Sonic @sonicspinner
Chastain Park right? Wow, that's pretty scary. I've never been there before, but I know a few friends who have gone there for concerts. Probably the only park I've been to in Atlanta is Piedmont Park, and the only reason I've been there before is because I take my dog to the dog park there, haha.
Hmm, well I've only finished SMTIV, but I've watched playthroughs of SMTIII and plan on emulating the second one sometime soon. I have to say though I really like the third one. Then there's the new SMT x Fire Emblem game coming out. I really was hoping for a more SMT-esque game, but I'm still going to get it at some point if anything for the older Fire Emblem cameos. I also recently got the Devil Survivor so I'll get to that someday. x__x The problem is I only have a 3DS and Wii U so my options for gaming are fairly limited. I'm hoping to get a PS4 this December though so there's that. What about you though?
Sonic @sonicspinner
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Sonic @sonicspinner
Really? I've heard about it, but luckily no one in my area to my knowledge has been infected by it. Still, I do try to carry my own water when I'm going out. To be honest I'm more intrigued how the parasite managed to become so rampant than scared by it, although it is unsettling how it managed to get into our water supply undetected.
Water management and treatment is actually one of the things I'll be studying next year in my courses! o: Probably sounds boring but it's amazing how important water management is for our infrastructure.
Sonic @sonicspinner
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Sonic @sonicspinner
Thanks! I'm actually from the Metro-Atlanta area, but I do go to college in Atlanta. o: Are you from the Atlanta area too?
kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
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kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
Haru? (Cat Returns) uhmn, *thinks* in a way, for her fondness of neko neko's xD nyaa maybe! though the part where she sorta had a "crush" towards dah "cat" in a suit neko..uumhmn nahhh XD i think it's creepy.(honestly)..lololol but "that" (cat) was cool ha! °^° i almost* almost** fell for him too! BUT its still creepy.XD and i dunt want mah whole head to look like of's a cat.(XD) am happy with just cat ears.lololol ** she almost became a cat!lolol*spoiler*
SUUU yeah ive watch it nya! :D it was kindof ok was weird though haha but it made me feel the author's huge imagination! :D
kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
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kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
lol that's cute! i once had a herd of white cats before :D and when meal times comes,........ it was amazing! xD
aww, that's one tidy kitty! haha
yup, i have.. two beautiful grumpy tom cats. :D