Sonic @sonicspinner
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Sonic @sonicspinner
Thanks! I'm actually from the Metro-Atlanta area, but I do go to college in Atlanta. o: Are you from the Atlanta area too?

kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
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kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
Haru? (Cat Returns) uhmn, *thinks* in a way, for her fondness of neko neko's xD nyaa maybe! though the part where she sorta had a "crush" towards dah "cat" in a suit neko..uumhmn nahhh XD i think it's creepy.(honestly)..lololol but "that" (cat) was cool ha! °^° i almost* almost** fell for him too! BUT its still creepy.XD and i dunt want mah whole head to look like of's a cat.(XD) am happy with just cat ears.lololol ** she almost became a cat!lolol*spoiler*
SUUU yeah ive watch it nya! :D it was kindof ok was weird though haha but it made me feel the author's huge imagination! :D

kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
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kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
lol that's cute! i once had a herd of white cats before :D and when meal times comes,........ it was amazing! xD
aww, that's one tidy kitty! haha
yup, i have.. two beautiful grumpy tom cats. :D

kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
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kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
°^° wow.. your pretty observant ne! I havent noticed that one. *self-doubts* le sob.
.but that means, you must really love cats! ^-^
WOA... 21 years!!! o_O
cats must love you for a master..
*im impress* *claps* owo

Spoooooky4Lulu @guardian_azrael
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Spoooooky4Lulu @guardian_azrael
I find your profile picture hilarious XD
Love the cat ears

kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
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kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
lmao like him?? XD
Colonel Cat: "Now, you have become one of my 'minions' BOW to me! myahahaha!!"
He's a Himalayan– Persian
crossbreed cat. :)
I like Snoopy the Cat and Maru for me self, thank you. XD
oooohs no probs! me pleasure! ^-^

kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
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kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
and oh! thank you for adding me ^-^ *wags tail*

kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
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kawaiinesie @kawaiinesie
YOU like it???? nyaha Im glad! ^-^
here, have some more!
though, they are not sand cats anymore but take a look! X3 happy we have a new cat buddie in our group! yay~ banzai!

NoMaskAshton @lovinglybitter
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NoMaskAshton @lovinglybitter
I read it. It's nice.

NoMaskAshton @lovinglybitter
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NoMaskAshton @lovinglybitter
haha it's good right?