rangon @anongr
rangon @anongr
when you talked and finally someone here for 3 years and decided to move closer to her just for her to later on to stopped talking to you and get ghosted for 5 months. Then when she finally decided to response after trying to message and apologizing to her, she said we should move on and stop talking with each other it seems. After all the things we promised to do after we finally meet, she stopped liking me, and I thought we had something special, but I guess it was just me. All that time we spent messaging and voice chatting really meant nothing to her. why do I even bother living at this point when I'm just going to get stood up and lied to?

Someone You used to know. @joemama711 I'm sorry to hear that lil bro, she played you like a fiddle. The thing is though theirs tons of people out there so take your time to get over her and go after someone who respects you.

Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29
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Neo Queen Serenity @neoqueenserenity29
Hi! How are you? ^_^

Someone You used to know. @joemama711
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Someone You used to know. @joemama711
Do you have a favorite song from bocchi the rock?

kitty_love88 @kitty_love88
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kitty_love88 @kitty_love88
This account has been suspended.

rangon @anongr
rangon @anongr
hey there

ali3nxiii @ali3nxiii
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ali3nxiii @ali3nxiii

ali3nxiii @ali3nxiii
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ali3nxiii @ali3nxiii

rangon @anongr
rangon @anongr
welcome back

♡ g h 0 u l x h 1 d e ♡ @aesthetic_kawaii
♡ g h 0 u l x h 1 d e ♡ @aesthetic_kawaii
hello people!! im back i hope you guys are good sorry that ive been gone for awhile but im back now so i hope to make friends!! :D

rangon @anongr
rangon @anongr
That’s nice. I’ve gonna be going for Kokomi since I lost the 50/50 on Baal’s banner

bluuenvy @bluuenvy
bluuenvy @bluuenvy
I did get Baal and her weapon, yes

rangon @anongr
rangon @anongr
it takes a real man to be best girl :)

Natsuki best girl @dathsqu902
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Natsuki best girl @dathsqu902
Astolfo best girl I guess kinda sorta

Natsuki best girl @dathsqu902
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Natsuki best girl @dathsqu902
Astolfo best girl I guess kinda sorta