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crawford101 @crawford101 left a comment for anime_22
Dec 13, 12 at 7:56pm
They just didnt in corperate it i guess its ok though i had a good time had a date for it too through a buddy sad thing was i didnt get her number or anything cause he got drunk an basicly cock blocked me lol
fukurou @fukurou left a comment for anime_22
Dec 13, 12 at 7:49pm
Hmmm they all have something special to them I'd have to say but if I had to pick it'd be Pops and Muscle man for regular show and earl of lemongrab and finn for adventure time idk haha
crawford101 @crawford101 left a comment for anime_22
Dec 13, 12 at 8:46am
No dancing but we had a pretty good time.
fukurou @fukurou left a comment for anime_22
Dec 13, 12 at 3:14am
Noice. Whatever they come up I know I'd watch it lol.
Nerdalous @nerdalous left a comment for anime_22
Dec 12, 12 at 12:29pm
You know I use to ask that same question about people who said they hated kids.
crawford101 @crawford101 left a comment for anime_22
Dec 12, 12 at 1:46am
Yep just about only thing left is to get a ride there which they are providing apperntly so im good to go
Nerdalous @nerdalous left a comment for anime_22
Dec 12, 12 at 1:28am
Anything Grade School, I like working with kids, there are three things I absolutely hate in this world, 1.Onions 2.Hippies 3.Teenagers(13-15 sometimes 16-17 depending)
Nerdalous @nerdalous left a comment for anime_22
Dec 12, 12 at 12:07am
Eduction, I want to be a teacher but I'm just go to grab my degree and join the police academy. I was just joking I wouldn't ever do anything like that for real.
Nerdalous @nerdalous left a comment for anime_22
Dec 11, 12 at 11:53pm
D) following the car how, wait for the driver to get out and them in a bear trap, if there's more then one get the rest with duck tape.
Nerdalous @nerdalous left a comment for anime_22
Dec 11, 12 at 11:50pm
It's all good on my end, just got out of school for the holidays, how about your self? What's going on with you?
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