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Last online 11年弱 ago
Yu @metaljester left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 9:41pm
It is about the son of satan having satans powers inherited he wants to kill his father for killing his guardian by becoming a exorcist
Yu @metaljester left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 9:37pm
Its not really new anime its new to me but you get what i mean i have been more focused right now on cosplaying and helping a few out on here
Yu @metaljester left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 9:34pm
Ahh to many animes i just started blue exorcist with advice from a friend and also am now currently watching sword art online too
crawford101 @crawford101 left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 9:18pm
It was ok I've had some problems lately but I'm trying my best to get through them.
Yu @metaljester left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 9:10pm
Hmm im able to get by with japanese right now but im not incredible at it only average and also you do know that the accent is super important if you go into a more racehating part of japan they will pick on you for it
Yu @metaljester left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 8:51pm
Quite well those I do mannerisms as well along with behavior that comes when even simply walking into a place also i know alot about the different traditionial mannerisms that only are in certain parts of japan
Tiger Festival @animeboy left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 8:33pm
I appreciate the lavish comments, it's very thoughtful, and yeah I do have friends here, but I meant RL, but regardless friends are friends. As for humans not meant to be alone, it's kinda hard to find your spot when your not a typical superficial mainstreamer like everyone else. But nonetheless I'm always myself 100% there's no one alive that can force me to change and do things I don't enjoy. I don't care if someone calls me a social outcast, a weirdo or anti social etc. just because I happen to like something different. I am who I am and that's all there is to it. PPL out there are ignorant to place labels on ppl like us just because what we like isn't mainstream and it further justifies why it's better to do your own thing instead of what's cool amongst ppl. It shows we can think for ourselves and do what we like unlike everyone else who are soulless sheep who just follow whatever Trend is in. That's how I feel about most ppl out there.
Yu @metaljester left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 8:27pm
Yes I am aware of some things in japanese using rosetta stone to help out alot i have what i need to survive down there with words and language though
Xeromaru @xeromaru left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 6:47pm
Oh yeah? Where would you go for the winter?
Nov 13, 12 at 3:56pm
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