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Last online 11年弱 ago
Tiger Festival @animeboy left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 12:52am
thanks for the invite
Tiger Festival @animeboy left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 12:25am
I also wouldn't mind staying in Japan for a bit, problem is I hear there's a great deal of Xenophobes over there. I totally don't want to get treated unfairly for being a foreigner. I really need to stop looking at the bad side of things and look at the more positive things more often >_< I know Japan has the beautiful culture,nice cuisine,sights to see,anime,video games and MORE! But I hear it's VERY expensive over there.
Tiger Festival @animeboy left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 12:22am
Heh I wish it were that easy, not to sound negative, but I was never very good at making friends, since ppl just seem to dislike me for some reason, nonetheless I try to stand on my own, honestly I no longer have any friends, mainly due to one of em leaving me for church, while another left me for his GF and all of my high school friends vanished after graduation, so that's just how it is. In truth I sense a dark and lonesome future for me.
Yu @metaljester left a comment for anime_22
Nov 13, 12 at 12:02am
Lets see i love the myths and moutains of japan along with the food i love their dangos and way of fixing things I also like the more traditionial aspects of japan and not the commonly known ones i love the forest and sacred areas that are said to be hone to spiritual energy like japans suicide woods also the temples are a thing for me i like the cities to though exploring the highly urbanized tokyo and tech industry when it comes to the creativity they have is good to me i love robotics you see and i love the transportation in japan in some parts of tokyo they have interesting methods then there is the more other ways to do it I aslo like the water surrounding japan and love the climate in my opinion and i like the system they go by over there with the honor as well which is still big on its values when you think about it there is also a flare of uniqueness anywhere in japan that is hard to find anywhere else all i can say is i am quite interested in it
Yu @metaljester left a comment for anime_22
Nov 12, 12 at 11:56pm
Well let me begin on that there is so much about japanese culture i like
Yu @metaljester left a comment for anime_22
Nov 12, 12 at 10:56pm
Well when you pick please do tell me i am quite good at making cosplays and offering advice based on who you are for if the cosplay will work for you or not other then that do you any japanese cultural things i admire japanese culture
Nov 12, 12 at 10:52pm
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Nov 12, 12 at 10:26pm
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Nov 12, 12 at 10:24pm
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Nov 12, 12 at 10:11pm
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