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darien3994 @darien3994
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darien3994 @darien3994
Konnichiwa! nice to meet you! ^_^

cuddlesaurus @cuddlesaurus
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cuddlesaurus @cuddlesaurus
Hello there fellow Ouran girl :3

Kinniku28 @kinniku28
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Kinniku28 @kinniku28
Yeah, I sent it back already and am currently waiting for a replacement. But yeah a lot of stuff breaks just after warranty is up, it's designed that way so we'll have to buy full replacements regularly.
My favorite holiday would be christmas I'd say. I really love the atmosphere and the decoration and meeting the whole family is always nice as well.
Thanks for that. :) Well if my studies are here in Berlin I'll stay at home and drive there every day. If not then it's the campus for me.