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29 year old Female
Last online 8年以上 ago
Toledo, OH
Flightless @flightless left a comment for angelaria
Apr 09, 16 at 6:48am
Heeey~ Hope we can become friends when you come back. ^^ You sound like a lot of fun :)
bear0 @bear0 left a comment for angelaria
Jan 22, 16 at 8:33pm
Quite the...interesting wall of text. It's good to have a nice read for a profile though. I like it.
Shiiiet @scrambles left a comment for angelaria
Jan 17, 14 at 12:40pm
Question:....what's a rule/lawfag?
duo501 @duo501 left a comment for angelaria
Jan 03, 14 at 8:24am
imouto @imouto left a comment for angelaria
Jan 02, 14 at 4:25am
I had quite the time reading people's responses to your post. Please continue to be awesome.
marcellkun @marcellkun left a comment for angelaria
Dec 31, 13 at 10:04am
Dec 30, 13 at 1:33pm
Your comment to Kichi made me laugh! You're spunky and feisty! I like that! I knew I was right when I told people you can definitely handle yourself against trolls on this site! ^_^ I truly hope you find the right guy since you took your time out to write exactly what you are looking for. Not many people (including myself) know what they want, and I admire you for knowing what you're looking for especially at such a young age. Hope we can be friends :)
syaoran1 @syaoran1 left a comment for angelaria
Dec 30, 13 at 10:46am
Hello, I read both your profile and your introduction on the forum and I think its great that you are expressing yourself to others like that, if other people cant handle that then thats their deal and you shouldn't have to worry about it, and its immature of people to insult you for it Anyways um if you feel like chatting, ill do my best to keep you entertained ^^
coulda sworn I said fuck off. not respond to me. this is why you're single. You don't do as you're told, child. if you need assistance in how to fuck off, the most sure way is to swallow a lot of random medicine. or you could always skydive without a parachute. My personal favorite way to see you fuck off would be to play chicken with a train.
I am fairly certain that you are not real. you are a plague to this forum and need to be erased for the progression of this site. please, with all due respect, fuck off.