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Staroid @abrahamrusso
Staroid @abrahamrusso
Today is awesome, went to Toys R Us and got a few toys. Now time for Toonami

Staroid @abrahamrusso
Staroid @abrahamrusso
What I've done today:
Went to the vet with my cat
Watched Hercules with my Grandma
Played spatoon

Staroid @abrahamrusso
Staroid @abrahamrusso
I like shippuden a little more because last night Toonami aired the it with the opening.
If you could start your life over...

Staroid @abrahamrusso
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If you could start your life over...
Staroid @abrahamrusso
If by that you mean my current conscious would be sent into my baby body. I would probably watch Toonami, because back when I was watching it I didn't realize what it was or that it had a schedule. I also wouldn't give away my toys. I would try harder on my school work. I also had a bunch of drawings that I threw away, I wouldn't have done that, that was stupid of me.

Staroid @abrahamrusso
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Staroid @abrahamrusso
The only bands I consistently keep up with are Starbomb and Ninja Sex Party.