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a_log @a_log
a_log @a_log
Hello everybody, I'm new here.
I don't consider myself a hardcore otaku (despite what my friends think) but I'm too lazy to go meet people irl and I think I'm a little too weeby for normal dating sites so ... here I am, I guess.
I'm Andrew, 21, computer engineering college grad / software developer. I like anime (obv - and videogames (also obv - and lots of other things I'm usually too lazy to go do on my own. Like skiing! or swimming, or sometimes rock climbing.
In my free time I'm usually at home doing one of 1) watching anime, 2) reading LNs or manga, 2) playing videogames. Pretty typical of people here, I'm sure.
I've never dated anybody before :X
so I'm hella inexperienced but I look forward to meeting some people with similar interests here.