Mar 26, 22 at 11:01pm

Pete Zahut @criselington
commented on
Whats the most random thing ever happened to you
Pete Zahut @criselington
Oh I know @projectotakux haha, the cows are worse than the bulls. The night at the gas station we reviewed the footage and that poor black bear was just looking for food and the baby walked up the the dumpster and mama went to protection mode immediately.
Mar 26, 22 at 10:18pm
It will be a pleasure getting to know a few people here and there.
Mar 26, 22 at 7:32pm
Hi there! Welcome to the site. :)

Mar 25, 22 at 11:22pm
I agree with everything you just said
Mar 23, 22 at 6:32pm
My name is (Insert name here) and I will be your uber driver for the night

Mar 23, 22 at 9:16am
Mar 22, 22 at 9:07pm
Mar 22, 22 at 8:57pm
Mar 22, 22 at 5:00am
This is O'Jeffothy. He created was by a malevolent being that lived in a tree. This being instilled magical powers into O'Jeffothy upon his creation. This being would then torture poor O'Jeffothy every day. One day, still in pain from the drilling of holes into head and string placement surgery he escaped. O'Jeffothy soon found himself in the hands of clown name Jimothy. Jimothy then snatched all of his power leaving him powerless and unable to move. Jimothy pawned the poor ole O'Jeffothy who was weakened to a leather worker who worked in a Renaissance fair to couldn't hear his voice. Two years latter he found me. Years of calling out to people left him saddened as his voice fell upon deaf ears he felt ecstatic... hopeful that his life would change. He offered me a bargain that in exchange for his freedom he would one day grante the power to travel to distance relams once his power is returned to him. To this day we travel in search of the Clown Jimothy so that we may take him down recover O'Jeffothy's power.

Mar 22, 22 at 12:50am
I’ve been wondering this for a long time, what are all the digits of your social security number? This is not at all a joke this is a serious question this message is serious and 100% not a scam.
Mar 22, 22 at 12:10am
I have been busy.
I believe I have fixed the bugs with using the mobile site. It was a terrible user experience previously and I hope it is fixed.
The issue: When users would use the back button it would not work on some pages depending on the pages you visited. Also clicking messages would refresh your existing page when you went back. I believe both things are fixed now.
Thank you.
Mar 21, 22 at 10:54pm
welcome! i hope you enjoy your stay! have a complimentary fruit basket.png
Mar 21, 22 at 3:30pm
Long walks on the beach. Baking cookies UwU. A Romantic dinner, where we have deep and thoughtful conversations about our feelings. Then...haha! Sike! Tis the fastest way to muh heart *unzips pants*