Whats your Job?
S @sugihara
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Whats your Job?
S @sugihara
Gangster by day.
Ninja by night.
sabermiralis @sabermiralis
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Whats your Job?
sabermiralis @sabermiralis
I fix aircraft.
Ankit @ankit
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Whats your Job?
Ankit @ankit
Software and Mobile Applications Trainer. it's a part time though
leonix @leonix
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Whats your Job?
leonix @leonix
im a store manager.
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
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Whats your Job?
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
I work at a sushi restaurant. I'm the new guy so all the grunt work is pushed on me. Not too difficult.
gurutar @gurutar
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Whats your Job?
gurutar @gurutar
i'm in third shift food stocking at a chain grocery store. open the box. remove food. put food on shelf. repeat.
DemonGod @demongod
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Whats your Job?
DemonGod @demongod
Full time liquor store clerk, which in Pennsylvania, is actually a state job. I also run shift in the stores when they're short managers, so hopefully I get bumped up to higher position before too long.
Otaku Prince ♡ @otaku_prince
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Whats your Job?
Otaku Prince ♡ @otaku_prince
Contractor for the Department of State
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
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Whats your Job?
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
I'm an electrician and have been for 8 years, though over the summer I ran an investment firm as the CEO for a few months, it didnt appeal and I'd rather settle for my regular pay and freetime over lots of money and no free time.
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
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Whats your Job?
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
I build and test servers at HP.
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