Otaku-Friends searched

nikoru @nikoru
Otaku-Friends searched
nikoru @nikoru
Hi :D I'm searching for some Otaku-Friends (and guess that should be the right place for that)...some friends to talk about animes/mangas but especially also to talk about stuff in general would be really nice..^.^

kira_17 @kira_17
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Otaku-Friends searched
kira_17 @kira_17
Hi, welcome to the site. This is a great site to meet fellow Otaku

hizumi @hizumi
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Otaku-Friends searched
hizumi @hizumi
indeed, as Kira said. From my understanding this place is pretty good on that one. i think most people wouldn't mind talking just about anything here. =) Feel free to talk to myself aswell if that is what the point of this was for haha XD

rawrriceball @rawrriceball
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Otaku-Friends searched
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
well, you're free to message me if you wanna talk about anime. :)

bookwatcher @bookwatcher
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Otaku-Friends searched
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
I'm always looking for new otaku based friends. Better conversations :)

Rou @roukuro
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Otaku-Friends searched
Rou @roukuro
Best tip I can give is be active on the forums and don't hesitate to comment and speak your mind.
Aside from that look at the new member list and pick ones you fancy.
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