What Do You Look For in Women?

Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
What Do You Look For in Women?
Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
This goes out to my fellow male otakus. What do you find physically/mentally attractive about women?

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
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What Do You Look For in Women?
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1

♥M~M♥ @masonmay
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What Do You Look For in Women?
♥M~M♥ @masonmay
I don't look for anything in a person. I like breast, ass, and all that stuff. Yet, as for personality, I don't place value in the content of another person's mind. I appreciate anyone just for the uniqueness of who they are.
I would think I come off as having no standards, which may of course be true, but I think everyone is entitled to a chance of my affection.

Elizabeth @anjukuran
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What Do You Look For in Women?
Elizabeth @anjukuran
I look for mason in woman.

♥M~M♥ @masonmay
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What Do You Look For in Women?
♥M~M♥ @masonmay
I would make a great lesbian!

Amezuki @amezuki
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What Do You Look For in Women?
Amezuki @amezuki
I find a pretty vast spectrum of humanity potentially attractive. But some things in particular that tend to turn my head are glasses, cute geekiness, a bit of padding to the figure, long hair soft hair to play with, striking eyes that make you feel like you're the most important and interesting person in her world, and a radiant smile.
Mentally? Intelligence, creativity, and someone who can be both romantic and dirty-minded and doesn't see a contradiction in that.
Broadly speaking.

Elizabeth @anjukuran
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What Do You Look For in Women?
Elizabeth @anjukuran
Wait, you're not a lesbian?
My life is a lie.

johnsnow @johnsnow
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What Do You Look For in Women?
johnsnow @johnsnow
A girl with a cute smile, long legs and deep color eyes are attractive. Breast size doesn't matter to me or height. Mentally I like a girl who is 40% tsundere, 50% Otaku and %10 ecchi lol

♥M~M♥ @masonmay
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What Do You Look For in Women?
♥M~M♥ @masonmay
Just because my penis is so small I have to fuck a chick by scissoring them doesn't make me a lesbian!
Amezuki, I agree, girls with factual knowledge are nice. Yet, when girls know they are "smart", I am kind of peeved in their precepts of social value. Smart girls tend to be motivated towards the hierarchical constructs placed by society. I have more compassion and enthusiasm for naivety than wit.

Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
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What Do You Look For in Women?
Kitty Gourmet @kittygourmet
Nothing wrong at all with being shallow. Physical appearance is the main reason why we even approach someone. Their personality comes later.... way later. Lol XD
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