X and Y! Pokemon Yeaaaahhh!!!

maura_breathless @maura_breathless
X and Y! Pokemon Yeaaaahhh!!!
maura_breathless @maura_breathless
Who's getting the new pokemon game? Which game will you choose? Tell us why and what starter you'll choose too!!! (tell what kanto starter you'll choose too if ya feel like it!)

DisputedCleric @disputedcleric
commented on
X and Y! Pokemon Yeaaaahhh!!!
DisputedCleric @disputedcleric
I'm getting pokemon X, and a limited edition 3DS XL. I haven't play pokemon since ruby, so i can't wait to jump back in! Heck, i haven't even had a nintendo system since Gameboy SP. I also pre-order rune factory 4 because it looks fun, yet i never play the series before. Back on topic, I'm getting X because Xerneas just looks awesome! lol For my starter i'll get Froakie! For Kanto? No idea, i like all three! Can't wait!

maura_breathless @maura_breathless
commented on
X and Y! Pokemon Yeaaaahhh!!!
maura_breathless @maura_breathless
Rune Factory 4 does look fun. I play the harvest moon series and it has super great gameplay so rune factory looks very cool to me. Also if you get a 3ds I recommend Animal crossing new leaf as well. :)

DisputedCleric @disputedcleric
commented on
X and Y! Pokemon Yeaaaahhh!!!
DisputedCleric @disputedcleric
I was thinking of getting Animal crossing new leaf! I also want Fire Emblem Awakening! So many great games i been missing! :( I haven't play Animal crossing in years, i even forgot what you do in it! lol

maura_breathless @maura_breathless
commented on
X and Y! Pokemon Yeaaaahhh!!!
maura_breathless @maura_breathless
Oh I forgot my post. haha
Im getting pokemon y and my two starter pokemon are Gonna be Finnegan and Squirtle.
Though Froakie looks nice... Maybe Froakie and Bulbasaur. The bulbasaur looks so cute...
oh idk. I'll probably end up picking the ones I want and have the biggest urge for when I play the game.... .///.

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
X and Y! Pokemon Yeaaaahhh!!!
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
I really want to see the 3d visual >_< and the dress up too! But more importantly, I just want to play pokemon again

maura_breathless @maura_breathless
commented on
X and Y! Pokemon Yeaaaahhh!!!
maura_breathless @maura_breathless
amen to that. haha. The 3d visual looks amazing.

Tiger Festival @animeboy
commented on
X and Y! Pokemon Yeaaaahhh!!!
Tiger Festival @animeboy
I just paid off my reserve of X in full at Gamestop today. I totally can't wait.

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
X and Y! Pokemon Yeaaaahhh!!!
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
Paying off for the bundle and game next week

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
X and Y! Pokemon Yeaaaahhh!!!
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
I never paid my games off o.o, I always just put the minimum
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