
kin @kin
kin @kin
Hi Hi, I'm Kin. Nice to meet ya.

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Haruu @haruu
Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay! Nice to meet you too. :3 Lol.. Kirino is so cute. XD
Just thought I'd let you know that we have an unofficial chatroom on Tinychat up. If you're interested, come <a href="http://tinychat.com/maiotaku"> join us here</a>. We're all friendly. \(*0*)/ Most of us are on around at night.
(P.S.It's an 18+ chatroom for people who 18 years or older *only*. We talk about anything and everything despite being an adult-only chatroom though. >w< )

kin @kin
commented on
kin @kin
I'll join it just for you :3
loljk, I may give it a try.
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