Another Season

YoloSwag @blazeguardia
Another Season
YoloSwag @blazeguardia
Just a list of animes that deserve another season, at least in my opinion. Feel free to add to it. Or manga that would make a good anime.
Air Gear.
Spice and Wolf.
Ubel blatt.
Immortal Regis.
Cavalier of the abyss.
Eden of the east.
Pandora Hearts.
Well thats all I can think of off the top of my head for now...

supernova11 @supernova11
commented on
Another Season
supernova11 @supernova11
Freezing season 2 starts Oct 4, 2013.
Air Gear most definitely without a doubt needs another extra long season now that the manga is fully completed.
Even with 2 seasons of Spice and Wolf already done, I agree that I wouldn't mind another season or maybe a movie.
Yes to another Eden of the East movie or OVA maybe.
And I want another Pandora Hearts, but I haven't read the manga so I'm not sure if there's enough material.

YoloSwag @blazeguardia
commented on
Another Season
YoloSwag @blazeguardia
I was unaware that freezing was getting another season, I should probably look into that. I thought it wouldn't since is been a few years now since the first season came out.

supernova11 @supernova11
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Another Season
supernova11 @supernova11
i was suprised too. but i started reading the manga last month and caught up on all current translated chapters. the story got so damn good. the first season is nothing in comparison. I'm hoping the second includes a lot more of the goodies now that we have all those intros done from the first season.

YoloSwag @blazeguardia
commented on
Another Season
YoloSwag @blazeguardia
I wonder if the anime will add the incest/rape from the manga -_- I hope not, but just knowing that bugs me.

nickklee @nickklee
commented on
Another Season
nickklee @nickklee
They really need a new season for air gear.. the manga is finished but they still haven't start the new anime season... what r they waiting for !!!!

supernova11 @supernova11
commented on
Another Season
supernova11 @supernova11
I don't mind if they leave in everything. Regardless it's gonna be awesome story line, more fan service during epic fights, nova modes outta control. I can't wait.

bleh. @reaeryn
commented on
Another Season
bleh. @reaeryn
Well... To be honest, I'd LIKE a new season of Yu Yu Hakusho (damn, I have an obsession...) BUT it's not going to happen. I'll stick to my imagination when thinking of what could have been.

Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987
commented on
Another Season
Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987
MM! <<< another season for that please lol
Sekirei as well there's a few but to lazy to check lol

mroneill1000 @mroneill1000
commented on
Another Season
mroneill1000 @mroneill1000
highschool of the dead,elfen lied,angel beats
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