Majority of girls don't like dating guys in/going into the armed forces?

sharinganeye @sharinganeye
Majority of girls don't like dating guys in/going into the armed forces?
sharinganeye @sharinganeye
So i was wondering, do girls not like dating guys in/going into the armed forces? I'm preparing to become an officer in the United States Navy, and my best friend has been telling me that all of her friends don't want to date me because I'm going into the service..

Rou @roukuro
commented on
Majority of girls don't like dating guys in/going into the armed forces?
Rou @roukuro
Its because you'll be away for a long time. However dont let that get you down. The effect isnt that bad. Plenty of girls prefer servicemen. Just keep looking.

S @sugihara
commented on
Majority of girls don't like dating guys in/going into the armed forces?
S @sugihara
Are you kidding me.
Those uniforms make girls go "hnnngh."

Rou @roukuro
commented on
Majority of girls don't like dating guys in/going into the armed forces?
Rou @roukuro
Also, Thank you for what you will do. Servicemen make a sacrifice and shoulder a burden most people cant even imagine and even if they never end up doing so,they are at least prepared to, which is way more than most people can say about themselves.
You deserve our respect.

sharinganeye @sharinganeye
commented on
Majority of girls don't like dating guys in/going into the armed forces?
sharinganeye @sharinganeye
yea thats a good point @roukuro , i'll definitely keep searching though.
and @sugihara hahaha! so far ive been unsuccessful :P

Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987
commented on
Majority of girls don't like dating guys in/going into the armed forces?
Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987
Lol @ sugihara
Prolly cuz they think you ain't comming back alive :p lol jk anyways gl dude

S @sugihara
commented on
Majority of girls don't like dating guys in/going into the armed forces?
S @sugihara
Dude, just go to San Diego and be like,
"Sup girl, did you know this is where the Navy harbors all of our battleships? I'd like to harbor my battleship in your..."
Actually, don't use that. I have no idea where that was heading.

sharinganeye @sharinganeye
commented on
Majority of girls don't like dating guys in/going into the armed forces?
sharinganeye @sharinganeye
hahahaha oh lord... idk if that one would ever work. are there any girls who wanna share their thoughts?

Amezuki @amezuki
commented on
Majority of girls don't like dating guys in/going into the armed forces?
Amezuki @amezuki
"Its because you'll be away for a long time."
This, pretty much, in a nutshell.
Being a military wife can be hard, especially when you're away on deployment. It's even harder when they're "just" a girlfriend, since most branches of military to my knowledge don't really recognize or make accommodations for any relationship other than spousal.
But don't let that stop you. Like others have said, plenty of women *totally* have a thing for soldiers and/or uniforms.

bookwatcher @bookwatcher
commented on
Majority of girls don't like dating guys in/going into the armed forces?
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
I love uniform/military guys but I agree most females dont like the waiting. Most want a guy around all the time and dont want to wait for a good thing.or they are jerks and cheat on them while they are over seas. nasty people
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