A-Kon 25
Ishimaru Kunami @austinc96
A-Kon 25
Ishimaru Kunami @austinc96
I love meeting new people. And since this is my first time going to A-Kon, I would love to know who is going and what cosplays to look out for!
I am currently working on a ClapTrap/Human hybrid. That way I can still move around and have fun.
bombader @bombader
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A-Kon 25
bombader @bombader
I suggest pre-reg. since the non pre-reg is like a circle of hell.
Ishimaru Kunami @austinc96
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A-Kon 25
Ishimaru Kunami @austinc96
Ohh yeah! I've been to two conventions in my life. Nan Desu Kan once, and Animazement twice. I didn't pre-reg for any of them. The Nan Desu Kan like was really short, but the Animazement line... Good god! I got in about 20 'til noon. Rest assured I will definitely pre-reg this year. ;)
avato123456 @avato123456
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A-Kon 25
avato123456 @avato123456
Hey I'll most likely be going as full hollow aizen from bleach big daddy from bioshock and some other third thing
Ishimaru Kunami @austinc96
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A-Kon 25
Ishimaru Kunami @austinc96
Right on! I'll definitely keep an eye out. I had an idea for a rave costume known as Lumen Escent. It was simply just baggy goth pants, LED equalizer t-shirt, a goth-like vest, LED hat, LED shoelaces, and a sh*t ton of glow sticks to hang on the pants, the vest, my wrists, and of course, for poi! The only problem is, it'll run me about $180. Give or take.
A Name @amdarely
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A-Kon 25
A Name @amdarely
I should be able to go this year! And if I do? hmm... I haven't finalized who I'm cosplaying as yet, but I most likely will repeat Misa again while I try for Taokaka and Ty Lee. But who knows! haha
Ishimaru Kunami @austinc96
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A-Kon 25
Ishimaru Kunami @austinc96
xueli @xueli
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A-Kon 25
xueli @xueli
I heard the parking fee was atrocious this year. That kinda sucks
Ishimaru Kunami @austinc96
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A-Kon 25
Ishimaru Kunami @austinc96
As is the Hotel fee.
mehemeheheiuheigdoi @erm_pandas
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A-Kon 25
mehemeheheiuheigdoi @erm_pandas
I'm going ^_^ I'm going to be cosplaying as Virgo from Fairy Tail
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