Online games? Rp?

rawer @valciz
Online games? Rp?
rawer @valciz
Who out there plays Furcadia? Or likes to Rp? :3

Sobi @sobi
commented on
Online games? Rp?
Sobi @sobi
I've never played that one is it good? I've been trying to get a RP community running on LJ, but the out look does not look good.

Anthony @setah
commented on
Online games? Rp?
Anthony @setah
I love Rping, not sure what Furcadia is though. I actually run my own rp invisionfree forum.

GC9000 @gc9000
commented on
Online games? Rp?
GC9000 @gc9000
I use to play furcadia lol. Might try it again one day
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