any interesting animes!?!?

Gone @xo0mandy0ox
any interesting animes!?!?
Gone @xo0mandy0ox
need new animes to watch any ideas??

Terumi @terumi
commented on
any interesting animes!?!?
Terumi @terumi
Gintama, Attack On Titan, Lucky Star, D.Gray-Man, Baka And Test.

Eriesea @muffintart
commented on
any interesting animes!?!?
Eriesea @muffintart
Mirai Nikki, Tiger and Bunny, and Magi!~

shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
commented on
any interesting animes!?!?
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
i will always recommend Rurouni Kenshin if you haven't seen it
also Eden of The East, Sword Art Online, any of the Tenchi Muyos, almost any of the GUNDAMs, and the Full Metal Panic Series'

mobored101 @mobored101
commented on
any interesting animes!?!?
mobored101 @mobored101
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, Toradora, Angel Beats, Sword Art Online, Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo, Kimi Ni Todoke, and Zero no Tsukaima.

Gamerocalypse @gamerocalypse
commented on
any interesting animes!?!?
Gamerocalypse @gamerocalypse
Cowboy bebop, Trigun, Dragonball Z KAI are my all time fav's. Just got into Hellsing that is a short anime that is really cool. Evangelion: 1.11 & 2.22 You Are (Not) Alone [Blu-ray] is great. Just got into Bleach & naruto that's really good.

shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
commented on
any interesting animes!?!?
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
Soul Eater, Elfin Lied, Shuffle!, Furi Curi, HoTD, Maburaho

shreikae @shreikae
commented on
any interesting animes!?!?
shreikae @shreikae
Hmmm, a couple that have not been suggested that are not overly and stupidly well known to beginning anime viewers these days would be things like Yuyu Hakusho (super common older anime), Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (common and a favorite of viewers once they start watching stuff online), The World God Only Knows, Deadman Wonderland, Black Butler, Black Cat (a personal favorite), Chobits (another common one once you move to online viewing), Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaete mo Omaera ga Warui (super adorable XD), Baccano!, Wolf's Rain (another classic), Spice and Wolf, History's Strongest Deciple Kenichi, Tenjho Tenge, Ergo Proxy, Read or Die, Witch Hunter Robin (another classic), all of the .Hack series, The Wolf children Ame and Yuki (A movie), Abenobashi, Gantz, Kiba, Desert Punk, Basilisk, Claymore, Tokyo Godfathers (another movie), and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (Yet another movie.
Sorry to bombard you with so much, but all of those are pretty good. XD
Shinta is also added a few I reminded of while I was typing this out. ^.^

bleh. @reaeryn
commented on
any interesting animes!?!?
bleh. @reaeryn
Yu Yu Hakusho. :)

GeekyTomato @geekytomato
commented on
any interesting animes!?!?
GeekyTomato @geekytomato
Steins;Gate. *-* You cannot get more intriguing than that!
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