(Non-Sexual) Roleplay game

zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
(Non-Sexual) Roleplay game
zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
[This is how the game works. You make a character an introduce him/her to the story. You can have to do 1 paragraph (5 sentences) minium to 3 paragraph (15 sentences) max. No Harassing, No grammer Nazis, if you do not post anything for while you character can be killed off. (side note i also have a status system but thats for chat groups) ENJOY]

zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
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(Non-Sexual) Roleplay game
zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
The dawn brought with it a gust of wind signaling that the season was changing. The sun shot over the plains making the grass glow an amber color, swaying like fire from the breeze. It looked like a perfect day only the sound of metal grinding in the distance. Beyond the hills you could see blackend smoke clogging the air like a bad omen. A huge metal structure walking on sic thick legs ascends from the horzion blocking out the sun, and blocking the breeze.
This beast was 40ft high with a mounted fort on top of it, the outside was riddled with patch work it seemed like ot could crumble at any moment. It made a terrible creeking sound as the rusted gears and hinges rube against each other to move the massie legs. The structures on top made it look like a small community of houses, or like a junk yard. It was called "The Heap", to some it was a disaster waiting to happen, to others it was home.
"This sucks..." a young man name Zero says as he tosses an empty bottle of sake over the guard rail. He waits until he hears it smash on the ground before turning around and leaning on the against the rail. In front of him is one of the two bars on The Heap and he looked at with with distain. He walks in the bar and find a sit near the bartender, "One root bear..." as he drops a coin on the table.

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
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(Non-Sexual) Roleplay game
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Softly sighs as he fixes his cloak after resting alongside the road, the tapered material cast out along the floor as he looks up at the sky."I wonder when it's all going to go down?" he says to himself as his eyes cast over a giant metallic structure walking in the distance."Well that's an interesting sight to see, not one seen very often, but one I'd like to inquisition about," He says as he dusts off his pants and stands up. Stretching out his arms and legs as well as fixing his cloak once more before looking at the giant structure once more.
"I guess I'll be heading in that direction, the only thing that has caught my eye on this entire journey." Slowly placing his mask over his face and adjusting his two swords that are sheathed at his left side and kept with him no matter where he goes. Making his way towards the structure that seems to get louder as he gets closer to it because of the metal on metal contact.
Reaching his destination on top of a cliff that peered over the gigantic metallic structure as it passed by he is able to see an assortment of houses."Well...this is very intriguing," he says as he steps back, waiting for just the right moment, jolting forward and leaping over the structure. The wind rushing by as he grabs onto the corners of his cloaks and pulls it taught in order to hand-glide down into the assortment of houses. Landing on the top of the structure to see a bottle smash on the ground next to his feet. Quickly looking around to see a man walk away and into a bar, he slowly follows and enters the bar a few minutes after. Searching for a table in the corner of the bar to sit down at, staring at the barkeep and the man ordering a drink.

shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
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(Non-Sexual) Roleplay game
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
"Never again will that one harm any." A swordsman says as he wipes blood off of his katana and resheathes it. "But i can sense more threats, more to protect this place from. I swear on my name of Daiki that i will disperse these threats. I cannot allow harm to come to anyone here."
Daiki looks off to the eastern horizon to see a large metallic structure slowly moving towards a nearby city. "That... that must be stopped before it causes destruction and turmoil to the people there." Daiki braces his katana and runs off to the east. "None shall be hurt."

zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
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(Non-Sexual) Roleplay game
zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
Looking down at his foaming root beer he wondered how long he had been on this moving rust bucket with these shift characters. The Heap was filled with rouges, theieves, traders, body guard and assassins. Out the corner of his eye he scans the room to figure out if he had anyone looking for his head. Being a freelancer was came with a lack of trust, that your client today would be your target tommorrow. But that how the world work, you could be strong to live, or be skilled to hide.
Taking a sip of his drink he noticed the lighting had change around him. Slowly reaching for his rusted gun that was more useful as a club than a fire arm. The light returned as a old man sat next to him to order a drink. "I know you." Zero said with his handle just centimeters form this revolver. "Your Old Man Alabaster." The man was paled skin with a white hair badly combed down and a beard to match.
"At least you know your betters around here son." Alabaster responded after a brief chuckle. "You can put your gun away im not after you head, you would be dead by now if i did." Ala made a gesture with his hand to bartender, something she was familar with because she started making a drink. Zero raise his hand on the table, and after a moment of silence. "Old Man i know your not here to share a drink with a rookie of the trade." A glass slide down the counter almost as instantly as it touches the old man's hand the drink is gone. "I have a proposal, or should i say and opportunity."

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
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(Non-Sexual) Roleplay game
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Readjusts himself in his seat as he sees someone walking in from the outside. A breeze of wind hitting him as the door shuts behind the newcomer and walks up behind the man at the bar, taking a seat beside him."Well, I didn't think someone that old would be able to live in such a place. Guess there's a lot of hardy people here," he murmurs to himself as he readjusts his hood over his face to darken it a little more as he watches the two at the bar who seems to have started up a meaningful conversation."Wonder if there is anything interesting to do around here, seems like somewhat of a dull town. Guess I'll just keep an eye on the first person I saw and maybe something might spark up."
He slides his chair back a little and then props his feet up on the table to get a more relaxed seat, not knowing how long he might be there. Adjusting his swords at his side so that the bottom of them are resting on the ground as a type of prop for his body in case anything were to happen. Fixing his chest piece so it's not carving into his body and sliding off to rest on his chest as he looks up at the ceiling drifting off into thought. Occasionally looking back at the two at the bar to make sure no sudden movements were made.

zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
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(Non-Sexual) Roleplay game
zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
Alabaster pulls out a gray tube with a white cap on it and places it on the counter. "What if i told you in this tube there was enough money to set you up for the rest of your life?" Zero looked at the blane looking pipe that looked as if it was passed between one set of hand to several others. Alabaster puts the tube back in his cloak and lets off a grin that slowlt fades.
"If you want me to fence for you im not much of a trader, and its something of value i don't have the money to exchange for it. I never pegged you as a thief Ala." Zero taking another sip of soda. He was no fool, he knew that this was something big. What he didn't know is that of all the hired hands on The Heap why he pick a small time freelancer. This though made Zero keep his hand near his gun. Sure of the though Ala knew what he was doing made him even more nervous.
Alabaster waved for another drink. "This is an opportunity boy. I have seen you looking out to the horizons at dawn and the stars at night. This is a chance to get out and see the world." He grab his sliding drink and took it down with a strait face. "Meet me at the communication spire at high moon. If your not there you could miss out on the chance of a life time."

shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
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(Non-Sexual) Roleplay game
shinta_otsuki @shinta_otsuki
"it may take a while to get there." Daiki says to himself while running towards the monstrous, mechanical beast. As he finishes his thought, a claw swipes the air in front of him. The beast at the other end of it having no thoughts except destroying Daiki. "hmm, i see that i will have some training on my way!"
Daiki quickly shoves the tip of his katana through the head of the beast intent on ending his life. "begone evil creature". He immediately wipes his blade of blood and reasheaths his sword before heading off again. "these are nothing, they won't give me much training." Daiki thinks before running into another, almost identical beast. Without even stopping, Daiki unsheathes his katana and strikes in one fluid stroke, dispatching the fiend. "I haven't time for this, i must hurry." He states, as he runs even faster, almost halfway to the gigantinc structure.

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
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(Non-Sexual) Roleplay game
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
Stretches in his seat as his presence makes it seem as if he was dozing off. His head slightly tilted, looking at his feet with his arms crossed in front of him. One leg over the other and his katanas propping him up so that it steadies his balance as the seat he's in is pushed on the two hind legs. Peeking at the two at the bar every so often as to keep an eye on them. Quirking a brow at a flask with some kind of liquid being presented to the other patron at the bar. "Well, I don't assume that's just ordinary material. But the question now is, what could it be exactly?" He states as he readjusts himself in his seat.
Taking his feet off the table and planting it on the ground as he slides his gauntlets back on. Adjusting them so that they're a comfy fit as he stands up and stretches out his tense muscles before taking one good glance at the two at the bar and then stepping outside to gaze at the sky. Taking one of his swords and placing it on the other side of his hip so that there is one sword on each side of him now."Well, feels like things are going to get a little interesting as time goes on, guess I'll have to stick around this town for a little." He says with a smile hidden behind his mask as he leans up against the outside of the bar.

zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
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(Non-Sexual) Roleplay game
zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
With a look of doubt Zero pushed himself away from the counter. "I don't know what you got planned Ala, but im no pawn nor fool. What did you steal?" The old man looked around just to check to see if there was any wandering ears. "Like hell man..." feeling a bit of fustration at the though of if he was making a mistake. "How about a little pay so at least this 'might' worth my time."
The old man quick pushes the tube to Zero's arm and moves in close. "Take this as your leap of faith son." He looked back again. "You are a pawn, but you can be a rich pawn, a free pawn. Not running errands for lost cats and collecting payments." Zero paused and grabbed the tube wondering if he just signed his death warrent. "Good. Just remember its not impossible for a pawn to over take a king." He narrowed his eyes before getting up and leaving. Zero knew that he could take this back, that he could find him on a whim. He was now a pawn, but had the game already started.
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