harro eveleebody

aelitakitty @aelitakitty
harro eveleebody
aelitakitty @aelitakitty
...because Engrish is best for eberwry occasion.
-returning, I'm not new. But this is a new account for reasons.
-are you in Norcal? I hardly have friends, and I'd like to become an extrovert!
-be my escape. ♥ force me to live in the moment.

Zero2 @zero2
commented on
harro eveleebody
Zero2 @zero2
Hi person and rewelcome?

Amezuki @amezuki
commented on
harro eveleebody
Amezuki @amezuki
Welcome... back? XD
Not in or local to Norcal, no. But not so terribly far north.

seph @seph
commented on
harro eveleebody
seph @seph

aelitakitty @aelitakitty
commented on
harro eveleebody
aelitakitty @aelitakitty
Thanks for the replies.
I would've replied sooner but MO died and I fell asleep. :P

S @sugihara
commented on
harro eveleebody
S @sugihara
Welcome to MaiOtaku!
<br />
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I hope you enjoy your stay! If you'd like to talk to some people and make some new friends, <a href="http://tinychat.com/maiotaku" target="_blank">come hang with us!</a>

aelitakitty @aelitakitty
commented on
harro eveleebody
aelitakitty @aelitakitty
omfg, thanks for the link! <3
I'll definitely hang with you guys when I'm not half-dead. x.x

S @sugihara
commented on
harro eveleebody
S @sugihara
No worries! <3
We're up all night for good fun
We're up all night to get lucky

jynn @jynn
commented on
harro eveleebody
jynn @jynn
ohaiii durr
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