CaptainShoes @captainshoes
CaptainShoes @captainshoes
So classes are coming back for me this time around guys and gals... and I don't know if i'm ready to hit the 6 + hours every other day. Whats your major hmm? How are things going for you? Any tests? People in your class that bother you? Unexplainable BS that just happens or even just fun stuff?
Graphic Design / Illustration major btw.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>I attended <b><I>The University of Houston</i></b>. I majored in <b>Communications</b> with an emphasis in Media Production. I minored in <b>World Culture and Literature</b> with an Asian emphasis. <P>I went to college Monday through Friday for 3 years. Most of the classes I wanted were on Tuesdays and Thursday however spaced out drastically so I was on campus from 7am until 8pm at the latest. <P> Unfortunately my Japanese classes were on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. My sensei's class times and days <B><I>NEVER</I></B> changed during my time there. <P>The hardest class I had to take was <I>"Communication Research Methods"</i> with Dr. William Douglas. For some odd reason I just had a hard time. Other than that it was pretty chill.
I... <h1><B>ABSOLUTELY</B></H1> hated group work because I was practically the only one doing the work. In my media production classes I had a lot of assignments that were group work. That was the only aspect that sucked hard. My "Electronic Field Production" class was pretty much all group work. Most students in these kinds of classes already knew each other. I was the only one out of people I knew personally at the time to pursue this path of education. <P></strong></font>

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>Well in my EFP class I had these 2 fickle girls in my work group. I was stuck with these girls for the whole semester. I had this one project we were suppose to do and they both couldn't come up with a consensus of what they wanted to do. A week before it was due I just lone wolf the project. I researched, scripted, gathered and transported A/V equipment, camera/mic set-up, imported & encoded, graphics, narration, voice-over, camera talent, edited, virtually produced the whole project by myself. This project was 25% of my entire class grade! This was a summer class I paid for myself so I could graduate that same year so I was not gonna let two worthless classmates get in my way. So the day it was due they had <B>NOTHING</B> to show for and had no idea I did the project myself. After the viewing I walked up to them and said "you owe me". And owe me, owe me, owe they did.<P>
Well I graduated in 2010 and since then I've had difficulty finding a job with my degree. Lots of things didn't pan out and I don't know anyone in the business. Like I said, I'm the only person I knew at the time who went into this career path. I guess I just didn't know who's cock to suck. Well I have an interview today at a TV station so we'll see if I have to get on my knees. Wish me luck.

bookwatcher @bookwatcher
commented on
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
I tried college and hated it. I ended up going to a trade school for nursing. It only lasted one yr and cost 15,000. I never regretted it. It dealt only with nursing based classes and didn't take yrs to do. The other students made it into a high school setting but it was fun for 85% of the time. There were a lot of tests but that's to be expected.

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="Red"><strong>Yeah college isn't for everyone and there's no guarantee that you'll get a job in your field of study. There's a lot of jobs that pay well if you're willing to work hard for them.</strong></font>

Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
commented on
Kane Anrui @kaneanrui
Just got my Associates in Computer Networking. Taking a few supplementary classes then probably going for a Bachelors starting this fall. <br/>
I've also grown a dislike for group projects. For my Music Appreciation Class (or Culture Appreciation, as I called it) we had a solo project were we expressed ourselves with something music related with visuals. Being the anime loving computer nerd that I am, I made an AMV. The class was very surprised by it. So, guess what happened when later we were assigned a group project about ourselves and global unity? They said "Let's do what you did!" So, they came up with an idea of making me making an AMV based on words (culture, war, peace, more-lame-words, etc) set to music. I went along with it since I didn't mind doing >90% of the work, since I merely had to produce the video as music and words were to be supplied to me. Days before it was due, I had a partial list of words sent to me that I had already suggested and two songs that wouldn't fit anything we were doing. So I ended up doing there parts as well. <br/>
Next time I get a group project, I'll just do a group's worth of work instead of waiting and hoping they'll carry their weight. <br/><br/>
P.S. The last two years of High School are lame and boring. Does anyone learn ANYTHING those two years? I learned more during the weekend than at school... It's like they're just mandatory social gatherings, with more stupid in them.

bookwatcher @bookwatcher
commented on
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
High school seemed wasteful for the last three years for me. So boring and I didn't learn anything when 80% of the other kids always were causing problems and disrupting class. I hear its worse these days.

xueli @xueli
commented on
xueli @xueli
I think it depends on what high school you go to. Personally, I thought my high school was pretty awesome. :p I loved senior year, we did dante's inferno and wrote hell papers, macro trip to DC, Geo II trip to Yellowstone, good times.
I think you can stack the deck in your favor in terms of job searching. If you enter a job with high demand, then you're pretty guaranteed a job at graduation. It just is a matter of you maybe moving and whatnot. The health industry is very much in demand. Of course, you should be interested in it and not just about the money, but it's a pretty stable field.
Personally, I already have a BS in engineering, but I'm finishing pre-med classes so I can apply to a doctorate program for physical therapy

Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
commented on
Yuusaku @yuusaku_godai
<font color="red"><strong>@Kane Anrui<P>
I think you're right. I don't remember anything from my senior year of high school. I took a 3-D animation class. Never got the animation part down but I kicked everyone's ass when it came to 3-D modeling. But I never really benefited from it.</strong></font>

CaptainShoes @captainshoes
commented on
CaptainShoes @captainshoes
Man i'm trying to burn through all these assignments quick as I can but its getting dropped on me pretty quick, also luckily all my art classes have people who have a shred of talent and personality! Gonna be a good year, hopefully.
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