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Such a wonderful morning it has been! Glory be to He that makes it possible! This breeze I feel currently is divine. Lamentations 3:22-23 - "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
Perception is a beautiful thing.
What makes you so sure it's a he?
@yaasshat A truth was spoken just now. How we perceive is what allows us to see. It's a very important first step towards His truth. It's that conversation we've been having that's helping me to put this into better practice.
True friendship, the realest squad
See? You perceived one thing while I meant another. I wonder why that was? Absolutely beautiful.
I confess that you are a sage of verbal aikido, haha! Regardless of intentions the meaning is the same.
From a structural sense, indeed. My intention is that perception is based on belief. Belief molds the very fabric of our individually perceived reality. It's beautiful in that sense, perception. We all see the world in unique ways that add spice and zest. Ways that not all can see nor completely understand and I more than appreciate the variety that perception adds to life. Besides, it makes one think as to how or why others perceive things in such ways, which is an amazingly beautiful thing.
That I can agree. You're correct.
Perception checks are low key the most important in DnD...
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