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Ok, so I'm curious what's up. Under my Vampire_Neko account I wrote a serious topic that may have been too edgy, I admit to knowing people would overreact and just glance at the post and jump to conclusions without reading what I personally wrote. I apologize for taking things too far even if people assumed I meant things I didn't. So now my Vampire_Neko account is essentially frozen, I can access it but can't post or anything, now for almost 48hrs. So I don't know if I'm being banned or just suspended? Also if my post was inappropriate, why not just delete the post and tell me what's up? Anyway, no idea what's going on atm. I have been a member here for about 2 years on my Vampire_Neko account.
I don't think there's many things that will really get people riled up on this site, but that subject is definitely one of em. I don't know if you're really into that stuff or not but when you play with fire you're gonna get burned. Some topics are best to just avoid and not make any mention of regardless of your position on them. I think you're kinda lucky you didn't get labeled a pedo and have the whole site after you like with that one captain guy from a few months back who may or may not have been hitting on underaged girls.
Darkhorse, aka Aschethebloody, aka Nicholas is still on here after being booted multiple times for multiple complaints of making perverse and harassing comments to multiple users. Luckily he seems to be behaving lately for the most part. I've never done anything of the sort and I've never hit on underage girls. I only posted one topic that people took the wrong way and got offended by. Oddly, I was able to post once recently, but I think it was a bug. Right now if I try to do anything but look, I get logged out and says I'm banned.
I don't remember the captain guy you mentioned.
Ah Aschethebloody... Yeah I couldn't remember that guy's name for the life of me. All I could remember was his avatar was some captain from one piece. But yeah with stuff like that one topic is all it takes. It's a very sensitive issue after all and people will jump to conclusions pretty quick.
This account has been suspended.
Bans are usually 72 hours, and we have mods so maybe one of the mods did it.
Ok, no problem. I'm not mad about being temp banned. I was being a bit rebellious. Just didn't know what to expect as far as how long and such.
This account has been suspended.
It could simply be sharing an IP address with a spammer, as well. Our system is a little agressive against spammers, so if you happen to share an IP, it's tough to do much.
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