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Bugs and Suggestions This Far

We've been trying.
I ran a website once. It wasn't that easy. Plus, I was using Free Webs on top of that. lol
Not that people don't message each other, but don't you think it says something when only one person posted on the forums in around 24hrs? Just a thought. I'm sure you have other things going on in your life( at least I truly hope so), but you've invested years into this and I just wonder to what avail? I'm here for shits and giggles, but I fully realize the potential a site like this has if used correctly. I don't expect nor necessarily want a response, just a thought. You've got gold if you just refine the rocks. Gotta dig, do some smelting, forge and mold.
^You wouldn't believe how much stuff he actually does. (I've met him and seen his Bio, he's casual friends with my ex). I wouldn't have the energy to do half the stuff he does, if he's still as busy as he used to be. It seems like he wouldn't have time to sleep!
I'm sure. I'm not questioning that in the least.
Came back on because shinyumi said he couldn't access his account and wanted me to check things for him regarding it, but that's neither here nor there. I noticed, Seph, you said "We've", being plural. Who else is staff, by chance? I thought you were a one-man army?
Forgive me. I thought MaiOtaku was run by more then one man. lol
It's more like the royal we.
While I'm here, a bit of a graphical bug that I noticed when returning. I'll edit this post with a screen shot. I had checked with two different Samsung S4s, both displayed the same thing. http://i62.tinypic.com/svknf5.png Is happening on all threads, irrespective of page.
the search seems to be bugged for me and or broken when i put it when im looking for i get abit of every thing like if i put in im only looking for women around such and such age i get men. plz fix quite annoying as im not bi and or gay
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