Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]

Black Maiko @blackmaiko
Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]
Black Maiko @blackmaiko
I feel like it is.I know that 19/30 of my friends have been heart-broken cause of the good ol' line " I can't date you cause MY parents are racists." Is it your parents or is it REALLY you that is the racist.- . -;; But, they were the same to say." I don't care about appearance." Now a-days , I can't believe that, cause if a guy had a choice between : A plus size girl and a much smaller girl with similar personality. He would most likely choose the latter. {Past experiences have lead me to have this etched on my mind.} Any opinions on this?

ichigo @ichigo
commented on
Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]
ichigo @ichigo
I don't have any experience with this but if I liked a girl that wasn't my race but my parents didn't I would tell them to live with it haha. I guess some parents are controlling of who their children go out with but I don't believe it would stop a person if there was a good connection going on between the guy/girl.

Black Maiko @blackmaiko
commented on
Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]
Black Maiko @blackmaiko
> . < I told them the same. * . *;

Tuxedo_Mark @tuxedo_mark
commented on
Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]
Tuxedo_Mark @tuxedo_mark
My mom doesn't care of the race of my potential future partner.
My dad's a racist, but he's a senile old man, so poop on him.
As for me, I'm not a racist, but I would prefer either a Caucasian or an Asian, since I'm personally attracted to those races.

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
commented on
Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
Race shouldn't be a factor, but for some people it is. Using your parents as an excuse is lame. If you can't stand up to your parents about your own relationship how can you really expect to stand up to anyone else. People can bullshit all they want, but at the end of the day it will get them nowhere.

vanityxaffair @pandoraxx3hearts
commented on
Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]
vanityxaffair @pandoraxx3hearts
You like what you like. People can shoot dirty looks all they want; it's called personal preference. We're all human beings, so this race business is a load of jizz. Mainstream media would all like us to believe that todays society isn't racist. I'd piss on that.

locket @locket
commented on
Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]
locket @locket
For the general population, I'm afraid race is still a factor. You'll just have to find someone who can accept you as you are.

Katyusha @katyusharockets
commented on
Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]
Katyusha @katyusharockets
For me? even though I'm Indian, I tend to stay away from Indian women.
Not that I don't find them inferior or less attractive, it's just I have a preference for something different culturally ....however, if I do meet any Indians with close interests I'm not going to overlook them.

Black Maiko @blackmaiko
commented on
Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]
Black Maiko @blackmaiko
Ah,from what I'm reading... It is :/

Black Maiko @blackmaiko
commented on
Is race really a factor? O . o [Gomen for ranting]
Black Maiko @blackmaiko
Ah,from what I'm reading... It is :/
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