Otakon 10'

Minh @minh
Otakon 10'
Minh @minh
I haven't seen any topics about Otakon yet so I was just wondering, would anyone here be going to Otakon? xP

Katyusha @katyusharockets
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Otakon 10'
Katyusha @katyusharockets
Thinking about it, but it would be my first time o3o

Giostar @masterzetsu
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Otakon 10'
Giostar @masterzetsu
OTAKON FTW! im going! its gonna be awesome

Giostar @masterzetsu
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Otakon 10'
Giostar @masterzetsu
its getting closer and closer xD

Lockoneyes @lockoneyes
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Otakon 10'
Lockoneyes @lockoneyes
I cannot wait to meet to meet Todd Haberkorn

MaryWesker @marywesker
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Otakon 10'
MaryWesker @marywesker
I went this year; and it was my first con ever. I thought it was great! I loved being able to walk around and not get looked at wierd if I freaked out over a favorite character and I love meeting peple who had the same interests as me. ^_^

RebeccaLoveless @rebeccaloveless
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Otakon 10'
RebeccaLoveless @rebeccaloveless
I flew to Otakon from here in Denver. It was amazing, the h. Naoto fashion show was brilliant, Uncle Yo was amazing, and it was fun meeting people from all over the country and building friendships with them :)

SkeletonSkylar @skylarr
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Otakon 10'
SkeletonSkylar @skylarr
I went :3 It was saddening, so much con drama for me~

iamuljjang @iamuljjang
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Otakon 10'
iamuljjang @iamuljjang
Haha I went! It was my first time to Otakon and I LOVEEEEEEEEEEE IT!<3 I'm going again next year foshoo! x]

Karimoon @karimoon
commented on
Otakon 10'
Karimoon @karimoon
I'll be planning to go next year. I planned to go this year too but other things got in the way big time.
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