Shy type.

zukomissinghonor @zukomissinghonor
Shy type.
zukomissinghonor @zukomissinghonor
On black and white? I'm not particularly fond of shy girls. Typically, they're more reserved, keep to their self and refrain from putting their opinions out there. Typically.
For me, I like someone who I loud, but intelligent. In your face, but knows exactly from each meticulous detail what she means. A sarcastic, boisterous know it all.
But thats just me.

Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
commented on
Shy type.
Alexis Lynn @alexislynn
Haha, that sounds like me XD I originally clicked on your post thinking you were going to say you wanted a shy girl and I was gonna be like, "I'm exactly the opposite of shy!" lol XD

zukomissinghonor @zukomissinghonor
commented on
Shy type.
zukomissinghonor @zukomissinghonor
I figure that there are levels of independence and I guess Inner strength. For me at least, I want a girl who isn't (with lack of better terminology) spineless to match with me. Guys typically go for shyer, weaker girls because their impressionable. But that ain't me. lol.

Marna @marna
commented on
Shy type.
Marna @marna
Not all shy girls are weak or spineless. Some just have the intelligence to stay quiet until their words are needed.
Obviously I am not one of those people. :P

drmario @drmario
commented on
Shy type.
drmario @drmario
It does seem that you have the wrong impression about shyness. It's good and all if you prefer someone who is talking all the time, but shyness doesn't equate to weak, spineless, or impressionable. You're correlating multiple personality characteristics that may or may not appear in a single person.

tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
commented on
Shy type.
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
Guys typically go for shyer, weaker girls because their impressionable?
What kind of dating experience do you have? Because this is completely untrue lol.
Shy girls are typically easier victims, not common victims but I can guarantee you that guys do not go for them lol.
Maybe in the Otaku world but trust me lol, if that's what your conclusion then you have yet to see anything.

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
commented on
Shy type.
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
And here I thought I was the only one who didn't like the shy type

stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
commented on
Shy type.
stand_alone_complex @stand_alone_complex
I like turtles.

zukomissinghonor @zukomissinghonor
commented on
Shy type.
zukomissinghonor @zukomissinghonor
swerve. I've been attacked.

bookwatcher @bookwatcher
commented on
Shy type.
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
hey! there nothing wrong with being shy. im a shy girl until i get comfortable around someone. Then I can be just as opinionated as the next girl. Dont cross us off so fast. we got surprises for ya.
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