Attack on Titan: Over-hyped or Best Sh*t Ever?

akihisayoshii18 @akihisayoshii18
Attack on Titan: Over-hyped or Best Sh*t Ever?
akihisayoshii18 @akihisayoshii18
I fall onto the side of the fence of Best Sh*t Ever. What do you guize think?

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
Attack on Titan: Over-hyped or Best Sh*t Ever?
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
I say over-hyped for now. Don't get me wrong the show is great, but like most anime people just take it overboard

akihisayoshii18 @akihisayoshii18
commented on
Attack on Titan: Over-hyped or Best Sh*t Ever?
akihisayoshii18 @akihisayoshii18
I just love ow the show takes me on a roller-coaster ride every episode.
I never get this into a show, EVER. The one time I came close to calling something perfect, it was the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. But, as long as it doesn't pull a "SAO", I might consider this as close to perfect as I can

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
commented on
Attack on Titan: Over-hyped or Best Sh*t Ever?
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
It's good, but it's very overhyped (like all of the super popular anime)
[SPOILERS FROM THE MANGA]********The series went downhill for me when the "NO HUMANS, YOU ARE THE TITANS" arc began

vid30kidd @vid30kidd
commented on
Attack on Titan: Over-hyped or Best Sh*t Ever?
vid30kidd @vid30kidd
SAO started off good. Then they ruined it with the other game to the point were I just wanted to stop.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Attack on Titan: Over-hyped or Best Sh*t Ever?
Lamby @momoichi
best shit ever, though I kinda wish theyd hurry up and get to erens house....been what 3 eps?
disappearance of haruhi....another anime giant! apart of me wished it was more about haruhi cuz the whole time u think it is then u see it was yuki the whole time....but looking back im glad they gave yuki the spot light

dbznic31 @dbznic31
commented on
Attack on Titan: Over-hyped or Best Sh*t Ever?
dbznic31 @dbznic31
I really like it so far but yeah it's a little over-hyped for being such a new anime.

zeleste @zeleste
commented on
Attack on Titan: Over-hyped or Best Sh*t Ever?
zeleste @zeleste
Over hyped in my point of view erren is such a wimp

Kenny C @kenny_64
commented on
Attack on Titan: Over-hyped or Best Sh*t Ever?
Kenny C @kenny_64
overhyped at this point.still great though

mn_rogue @mn_rogue
commented on
Attack on Titan: Over-hyped or Best Sh*t Ever?
mn_rogue @mn_rogue
I love the series so far! Fast-paced action, beautiful animation, and it's refreshing to see an enemy that isn't a demon, mech, or super-powered human.
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