Q for girls: Does and Don'ts of Guy's Otaku Room

augos @augos
Q for girls: Does and Don'ts of Guy's Otaku Room
augos @augos
I've got figures and wall scrolls and all that. My otaku friend has a non-otaku girlfriend and he 'has to' remove some of his otaku items from his room for girlfriend reasons. So I'm wondering, on a personal basis, what otaku merchandise would you (an otaku girl) NOT like to see in your (otaku) boyfriend's room? What items are 'forbidden'? And I guess while I'm at it, what items are tolerable?

Rain @rainx
commented on
Q for girls: Does and Don'ts of Guy's Otaku Room
Rain @rainx
I guess it really depends, but I'd say a lot of risque or borderline hentai kinda stuff can be a turn off for any girl in general, and not just otaku girls specifically. Theres nothing wrong with being proud of your fandom, but just using common sense when decorating the ol man cave goes along way in avoiding things that could turn someone off.

ebonyvixx @ebonyvixx
commented on
Q for girls: Does and Don'ts of Guy's Otaku Room
ebonyvixx @ebonyvixx
It really depends on the girl, but like Cecil said you should try to avoid the eechi/hentai. I think there are girls out there, like myself, that wouldn't mind at all, but to be safe you should always ask.

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Q for girls: Does and Don'ts of Guy's Otaku Room
Lamby @momoichi
figures and wall scrolls that r placed right r awesome.....im abit controlling so a messy room doesn't bother me, id just be inclined to organize and clean up but most girls that's a turn off
1.smells nice is a huge thing!
3.as they said no porno or undys around
4.no old food hanging around

xueli @xueli
commented on
Q for girls: Does and Don'ts of Guy's Otaku Room
xueli @xueli
Put a trashcan in your bathroom

Lamby @momoichi
commented on
Q for girls: Does and Don'ts of Guy's Otaku Room
Lamby @momoichi
and empty it, that's something men don't seem to remember xD and on that topic the whole seat down thing is about of a joke but really...do it....

PK Thoron @julioelgamer
commented on
Q for girls: Does and Don'ts of Guy's Otaku Room
PK Thoron @julioelgamer
all of my female friends think that otaku/gamer rooms are awesome, even if you have hentai or ecchi lying around
They're obviously not single btw

misskittehcat @misskittehcat
commented on
Q for girls: Does and Don'ts of Guy's Otaku Room
misskittehcat @misskittehcat
Most things are a-ok.. but really no really creepy personal fetish things. like posters of loli/shota/scat/rape/whatever

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Q for girls: Does and Don'ts of Guy's Otaku Room
Haruu @haruu
I'd think keeping the room somewhat organized (nothing on the floor to trip on) and smelling nice is all I would ask. I can't think of any kind of otaku merchandise I'd hate seeing in a guys rooms.. I pretty much like anything though so I'm not a good example.. XD
Hmm.. Just keep the room tidy. :3 It's kinda cute finding random things about your guy lying around even if it's ecchi stuff like hentai.. XD

tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
commented on
Q for girls: Does and Don'ts of Guy's Otaku Room
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
BRB, i'm going to go buy Bible Black posters and hang them EVERYWHERE.
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