Finding that gem song
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
Finding that gem song
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
What song(s) have you just recently discovered that blew you away?
This one is Intelstat by Deadmau5. At 53 seconds you can hear the haunting vocals from the Ghost in the Shell movie, its kick ass.
Rou @roukuro
commented on
Finding that gem song
Rou @roukuro
Not a new revelation to me, but just about everything from East New Sound.
Since i discovered Touhou nothing has ever been good enough.
Best part is all of it is amateur, non profesional.
Terumi @terumi
commented on
Finding that gem song
Terumi @terumi
Tongue by Soilwork, it just blew me away the whole CD is a big improvement from The Sworn Divide.
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