Love is in the air can you feel it?
ロイ @wallace614
Love is in the air can you feel it?
ロイ @wallace614
As the newly user began to use the site it feels as I haven't really participate much.
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
commented on
Love is in the air can you feel it?
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
The Game is On Dear Watson!
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Love is in the air can you feel it?
ロイ @wallace614
Indeed let rejoice ourselves in the summer of love and despair
Terumi @terumi
commented on
Love is in the air can you feel it?
Terumi @terumi
I know quite a bit about despair. hahahahahahahahahaha
Haruu @haruu
commented on
Love is in the air can you feel it?
Haruu @haruu
If you mean the pollen, then yes. T__T
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
commented on
Love is in the air can you feel it?
xingthecrow @xingthecrow
Love sounds contagious when you describe it like that.
I must be immune to the pandemic. /lick
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Love is in the air can you feel it?
ロイ @wallace614
Hehe pollen as in lust
Yes love is contagious
Haruu @haruu
commented on
Love is in the air can you feel it?
Haruu @haruu
In that case, I don't like this pollen. e__e
@xingthecrow: I agree with Wallace--it is contagious. D:
ロイ @wallace614
commented on
Love is in the air can you feel it?
ロイ @wallace614
Hehehe @ lolichan you are always a good sport
Of course love
It's contagious
But the real question remains is it possible to be happy without love?
kuro_tenshi @kuro_tenshi
commented on
Love is in the air can you feel it?
kuro_tenshi @kuro_tenshi
Without love for something how could we know happiness? Happiness is the manifestation of the relief we get when we achieve something we love. Such as hearing a good joke. Everyone loves to laugh therefore you are happy when you achieve a smile.
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