Favorite MaiOtaku user? :3

Haruu @haruu
Favorite MaiOtaku user? :3
Haruu @haruu
Who's your favorite MaiOtaku user? Friend, more than friends.. Mega best friends? XD
This is an opportunity to flirt a little/acknowledge some friends made on this site. c:

Cecil @cecil
commented on
Favorite MaiOtaku user? :3
Cecil @cecil
@Manic, @SimonSan, @DokujiSoul, @ronined, @talamar, and @wallace614 all seem like pretty cool guys even if some of them don't post too much anymore. @misskittehcat, @Lambey, @xueli, @Kyetge!, @VampireNinjaBunny, and @moonlightjazz seem like very nice girls from the bit I've talked to them and seen them post on here.

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Favorite MaiOtaku user? :3
Haruu @haruu
I agree with the girls! They're so nice on here. *0*

talamar @talamar
commented on
Favorite MaiOtaku user? :3
talamar @talamar
Oh Man Hard to Pick just a few Since almost everyone is so Friendly, Hmm My List if I was to make it would Look Very Similar to Cecil's.. but again I enjoy talking to everyone...

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
Favorite MaiOtaku user? :3
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
@Blazingbow1 is my favorite, second is @Haruu

tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
commented on
Favorite MaiOtaku user? :3
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
<===This gai. Kthx :3

blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
Favorite MaiOtaku user? :3
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
^ this guy got the right idea

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Favorite MaiOtaku user? :3
Haruu @haruu
Gee Sam-sama. You wouldn't be my first either. >:c
To Talamar: Right? I was surprised by how nice everyone was on here. *0*
To tornadomushroom: Nice hair. *__*

Cecil @cecil
commented on
Favorite MaiOtaku user? :3
Cecil @cecil
Welp, this thread started out well. At least haruu has a fan! <img src="http://media.ign.com/boardfaces/44.gif">

tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
commented on
Favorite MaiOtaku user? :3
tornadomushroom @tornadomushroom
Haha thank you.
On a serious note though, I don't know or talk to enough people to list anyone. Maybe in a few months lol.
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