Any cons in Tampa or Ocala?

Tuxedo_Mark @tuxedo_mark
Any cons in Tampa or Ocala?
Tuxedo_Mark @tuxedo_mark
I've never been to a con. The two closest decent-sized cities to me are Tampa and Ocala (each around an hour away). Are there any cons in either?

OtakuJew @otakujew
commented on
Any cons in Tampa or Ocala?
OtakuJew @otakujew
There is Metrocon, and hate to break it to you, but Ocala is not an hour away from you.
Orlando is closer, and we are a giant city with cities inside it.
So ya.
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Tokai @tokai
commented on
Any cons in Tampa or Ocala?
Tokai @tokai
We have Megacon in Orlando. Tampa usually has Metrocon and Shadocon just started last year.
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