living in any Anime/Manga/Videogame world

Aka-san @redhawk
living in any Anime/Manga/Videogame world
Aka-san @redhawk
If you can pick any world from any Anime/Manga/Or Videogame which one would you pick to live in and why?

Nerdalous @nerdalous
commented on
living in any Anime/Manga/Videogame world
Nerdalous @nerdalous
DC Universe

withered @withered
commented on
living in any Anime/Manga/Videogame world
withered @withered
Anime- Hunter X Hunter, because it seems like a very unusual and fun place to live. I also find Nen to be a very interesting power because everyone gets to pick their own unique ability limited only by imagination (and their nen category).
Game- Skies of Arcadia, because I would love to be a pirate sailing through the sky finding new lands.

fukurou @fukurou
commented on
living in any Anime/Manga/Videogame world
fukurou @fukurou
Beelzebub. It would be exciting, hilarious, and brutal all at the same time. Just watch yourself around Creep-ichi.

Aka-san @redhawk
commented on
living in any Anime/Manga/Videogame world
Aka-san @redhawk
TORIKO! It's all about food or Pokemon
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