Virgin talk.
Amezuki @amezuki
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Virgin talk.
Amezuki @amezuki
Or partake of anything else that affects your judgment in company that you don't trust.
Elizabeth @anjukuran
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Virgin talk.
Elizabeth @anjukuran
Virgins, don't do drugs!
zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
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Virgin talk.
zerofivenosh @zerofivenosh
~_~ wish i was still one....damn phillipino bitch
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Virgin talk.
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.
Rina @rinatanchu
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Virgin talk.
Rina @rinatanchu
I just know after I lose my virginity, I will remember it for the rest of my life. So I want the person to be at least worth being remembered.
ロイ @wallace614
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Virgin talk.
ロイ @wallace614
I'm someone worth remembering
X-Cution @xcution
commented on
Virgin talk.
X-Cution @xcution
Well, Amezuki brings up a good point. Speaking as a virgin, I'm just not that active in searching for a relationship so I dunno much about the reasons behind why things happen or why people hold off on sex aside from the religious angle or the "waiting" angle.
I guess some things just *feel* more right when you're married, even if you're not religious. Just my thought though.
Elizabeth @anjukuran
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Virgin talk.
Elizabeth @anjukuran
Your virginity should not put put so high up, because there is a good chance your not going to spend your life with that person, so it might end badly and you don't want to remember it with them.
I'm not saying give it away cause its worth nothing, but respect yourself and don't worship virginity, sex is not that amazing and you'll be very disappointed when its over.
Amezuki @amezuki
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Virgin talk.
Amezuki @amezuki
I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that sex is not that amazing--it *can* be, with the right partner.
But it's almost certainly *not* going to be that amazing the first time, especially if your partner is also inexperienced and figuring things out as they go along.
Eriesea @muffintart
commented on
Virgin talk.
Eriesea @muffintart
Still a virgin. Mainly because I want to be in love before losing it. Marraige or not. I just need to love the person. Plus I'm realy nervous about it! OnO
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