
Haruu @haruu
Haruu @haruu
So the previous owner's of my cat are here on a visit (my mother's friend), and it's a bittersweet feeling.
Anyone else have pets? :3 I love my cat. <3

tobitairu @tobitairu
commented on
tobitairu @tobitairu
My folks have two dogs and a cat, my sister (whom I will be living with in the next few weeks) has two cats and a bird, and I myself share a miniature pinscher with my ex. I've always been surrounded by various kinds of fluffy, feathery, scaly, slimy, or otherwise amorphous things.

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Haruu @haruu
OOOHHH--that sounds fun. c: Are they a lot of work to take care of? c: I recently got my cat around the start of this year. I had a cat back when I was still in my country, but once I came here I had to leave my cat. D: Then I had to wait 10 years until I finally got Ms. Honda (my cat). ;___;
Just wondering.. Have you ever thought of getting a Husky?

tobitairu @tobitairu
commented on
tobitairu @tobitairu
Min-pin's can be a pain to care for if you don't train them early. They're incredibly intelligent, and can be taught numerous things (including how NOT to bark up a storm), but if you just let them go as they are, they can also be incredibly aggressive, loud, and reactive. Also, they tend to be the kind of dog that you can't take to a dog park without a leash, even if they're trained. 100% of their instinct is to run and keep running, as they are ratters, and they're intelligent enough to find the notion of you chasing after them entertaining (believe me -_-').
I have thought about getting a husky, but when it comes to larger breeds I kinda lean in other directions. I've played with rhodesian ridgebacks and dobeys, my brother has a couple of mastiff/bulldog/pitbull mix (brothers, big guys, sweetest dogs I've ever met) and I've had some good experiences with both german shepherds and malamutes. Also a fan of shiba inu's, though they're a little on the temperamental side.

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
commented on
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
I used to have a guinea pig but it crawled off my porch and landed on some hard rocks, broke it spine and died about a week later ;_;

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Haruu @haruu
Oh really? D:I read that Huskies loved running and running away too.. lol They're so funny though. >w< How long did you have to train your dog for? D: It sounds like it takes a lot of patience. e____e
Ooh, cool. When I was younger I had a German Sheppard. He was really smart. Sometimes my mother would just let him babysit me actually. Although he did eat all my cookies when I wasn't looking. =__= I heard of the Shiba Inu breed being temperamental before, but I've also heard they were pretty energetic and funny. They look really cute. *____* And oohh, pitbull/bulldog breed. Are they really playful? c:

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Haruu @haruu
@ KawaiiAttack: Ouch... Dude, that sucks. D: Rest in peace guinea pig. :c

tobitairu @tobitairu
commented on
tobitairu @tobitairu
The mixed-breed are incredibly playful, their favorite time is at the dog park when they can play with other dogs. Sometimes owners get a little leery around them, they look every inch the meat-heads that they are, but after a while they relax.
Bree had our dog before I met her, so she already had a year of training under her paws. After we got together and I was adopted by the puppy, we put in another solid year of training, most of which consisted of no-bark training and tricking. We've continued to train her to this day, mostly to stimulate her. She thinks of training as a game, and has fun with it, so it's less about obedience and more about making sure she has fun.

Haruu @haruu
commented on
Haruu @haruu
I've never been to a dog park, but is it full of dogs? *__* And wow--that sounds really good for the dogs so they get to know other dogs.
Do you train her every day or is it once a week? It sounds like your dog is really happy. c:
Oh, and about or tea discussion earlier, I was meaning to show you this but I couldn't find it. D: I saw it originally in Tumblr a long time ago and there were too many posts to go through.

tobitairu @tobitairu
commented on
tobitairu @tobitairu
It's off-and-on training, almost every day. She's been having health problems lately, so we've been holding off on the training, as any of the treats we use exacerbate her problems.
Dog parks are a lot of fun. The good parks are in two sections: A small, fenced-off section for small dog breeds, and a larger (usually fenced but not always) section for everyone else. It's a place where you can take your dog off-leash and let them run, play, in some cases swim, and socialize with other dogs.
Origami tea bags o.o
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