Tea anyone?
Haruu @haruu
Tea anyone?
Haruu @haruu
My favorites so far have been:
Green jasmine tea
White Ayurvedic Chai
Mixed berries black tea (Twinings)
Zen (Tazo)
Passion (Tazo)
Earl Grey
Blackcurrant tea
Peppermint green tea
White & gree fusion
Does anyone have a thing for tea too? What are your favorite guys? :3
tobitairu @tobitairu
commented on
Tea anyone?
tobitairu @tobitairu
My favorites are:
Earl Grey (I'm half English...)
Sleeper Tea (my recipe, lavender, chamomile, and lemon balm)
Untwist Tea (licorice root, lemon balm, with a faintest bit of garlic)
and Belly Warmer Tea (licorice root and ginger, with your choice of sweetening or taste-covering agent)
The bottom three are medicinal in nature, but if done right can have a great taste too.
Haruu @haruu
commented on
Tea anyone?
Haruu @haruu
I've never though about putting garlic in tea, but that sounds interesting. I haven't tried those teas yet (except Earl Grey), but they sound like they would taste good. Specially the Sleeper Tea.
tobitairu @tobitairu
commented on
Tea anyone?
tobitairu @tobitairu
the Sleeper is what I've used most often. It was the first recipe I ever created, when I was studying herbs in college (to help with my insomnia). For the Untwist, though, the garlic needs to be fairly minor. Garlic has a lot of benefits, but if you use even a little too much, it will overpower the tea with flavor. I only use a tiny little piece of a clove, and let the licorice root rule the flavor.
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
Tea anyone?
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
Passion iced tea lemonade is my favorite tea. ;o; Or thai tea. Or bubble tea ( if it counts ) OR sweet tea!
Haruu @haruu
commented on
Tea anyone?
Haruu @haruu
@Tobitairu: What was the class's name? And oohh, I see. .__. I've never tried licorice root before. I'll try it one day. c:
@rawrriceball: I like Passion from Tazo too,but I prefer Zen more. x3
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
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Tea anyone?
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
My favorite tea is Earl Grey Tea :> My least favorite is traditional japanese tea (ITS SO BITTER QAQ)
Haruu @haruu
commented on
Tea anyone?
Haruu @haruu
Really? .__. I like bitter things.. >w>
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
commented on
Tea anyone?
rawrriceball @rawrriceball
I guess I'll just try out any tea ;o; Passion iced tea was a last minute decision I made at starbucks, and it was pretty good
Haruu @haruu
commented on
Tea anyone?
Haruu @haruu
Try getting the actual tea box for Zen and try it out. :3 At Starbucks they add additional things to the original tea. D:
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