sobbing hysterically

erzascarlett @erzascarlett
sobbing hysterically
erzascarlett @erzascarlett
when i watch epic moments in Fairy Tail or see my favorite characters bloom like in Kimi Ni Todoke or Card Captors... i cry.. hysterically!! am i the only one whose moved to tears by heroics and epicness??

tobitairu @tobitairu
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sobbing hysterically
tobitairu @tobitairu
Heck yeah I get teary-eyed and snorfled (as my semi-sister puts it). I tend to marathon shows, and when I marathon a show I get drawn into the story very easily. If the show paces right, and has the right sense of impact, it can hit me pretty hard. There are some shows that I won't watch a second time just because I don't want to hit that emotional depth again (such as Angel Beats, that kinda hit me...) and there are other shows that I watch over and over again for the emotional high (Kimi ni Todoke, Maid-Sama, Toradora, Please Teacher, etc.). I feel the same way about manga, though I don't express it outwardly as often. Ironically, manga usually hits me harder, but it's already an internalized thing, so it stays internal.

erzascarlett @erzascarlett
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sobbing hysterically
erzascarlett @erzascarlett
lol i wish my feelings stayed internal XD i gush...

Omichan @omichan
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sobbing hysterically
Omichan @omichan
I a baby during Clannad After story and every single time I watch it afterwords as well. Others have made me teary but nothing like clannad. ; ;

tobitairu @tobitairu
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sobbing hysterically
tobitairu @tobitairu
erza: I wish I DIDN'T internalize so much, I'm pretty sure that's one reason my last relationship had issues :P lol. Bree used to tell me "all of your emotions are in your eyes, and I've never been good at reading eyes".
Omi: I can't watch Clannad. People keep recommending it to me, but I know it has an ending that I'm basically going to treat like Angel Beats, so I'm holding off until I have a REALLY depressing day. lol

Omichan @omichan
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sobbing hysterically
Omichan @omichan
Its by the same people/studio even those was a collaboration. I did not feel like Angel Beats was all that great. I believe somewhere the director who did clannad and angel beats said he hated it cause it wasnt long enough and I agree on that. It felt like the last couple of episodes they tried to rush a lot of emotion. Clannad has two seasons. One to hook you and the other to destroy your soul. I recommend you watch the first season at least. That one is not all that emotional but amazing still. Actually I take that back. Forgot about Fuko. D: Save it for a good rainy day.

erzascarlett @erzascarlett
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sobbing hysterically
erzascarlett @erzascarlett
claaaannaaaaad!!!! can't do it.. my friends told to actually STAY AWAY from it since it will destroy my soul XD
speaking of which, if internalizing makes you feel the most comfortable, then shouldn't you actually date someone who naturally feels comfortable around ppl who do internalize a lot? lol everyone says that i add a soundtrack of whiney noises to everything i do.. very external ^^' but my boyfriend on the other hand doesn't. suuuuper composed person, and that's fine! it feels normal XD just need a balance.. i cry too hard watching angel beats, he laughs at me XD it's love.
and it's funny that you say that it was too short omi! what happened during the production of it was some issues with the time slot on the channel that it would air. angel beats was PLANNED to air a whole season or two, but halfway thru the production, they had to make the shit hit the fan or else the show would air at all! it was kinda sad DX it was supposed to be more like the manga where it goes in depth in EVERYONE'S story.. but it just couldn't happen :( so i reccomend reading it! it's great!

talamar @talamar
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sobbing hysterically
talamar @talamar
Oh I tear up for a lot of shows. Usually they are tragic dramas or romances. But I
Did get misty eyed when Kamina died also when Archer sacrifices himself for the others to escape. Akways epic moments like that. I get choked up a bit. Another classic example was when Kikuchiyo from Samurai 7 dies. Is so epic and heroic. So yea you're not alone.

Haruu @haruu
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sobbing hysterically
Haruu @haruu
I get teary-eyed and I stop breathing while waiving my hands around to express my excitement. >_____>

threewolves @threewolves
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sobbing hysterically
threewolves @threewolves
Clannad After Story is definitely the one that still gets me the most, and yeah teared up on it.
Recently Toradora, towards the end, had me a little, not due to sad, but happy. :)
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