
tobitairu @tobitairu
tobitairu @tobitairu
So I have recently begun studying Shinto. This is something of a hobby/obsession of mine, when I find a spirituality that pulls at me I study it, partially to understand that part of a culture, but also to understand my own spirituality better. I've lucked out, in that the Tsubaki Grand Shrine in Japan has a branch here in my state, up at Granite Falls. So far, I've found it to be very interesting and very engaging. Is anyone else here a student/adherent of Shinto? What are your thoughts on Shinto?

inuyasha_addict1017 @inuyasha_addict1017
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inuyasha_addict1017 @inuyasha_addict1017
I'm starting to study it myself. So far I love it. I ordered a book about a week ago, so it should be here very soon. I've been on the Tsubaki Grand Shrine website. I'd like to go there, but I don't have the money yet...

sassyspark @sassyspark
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sassyspark @sassyspark
Oh I love studying it and doing research on Shinto I find it fascinating with all it's traditions and folklore. I love to base a lot of OC off of it.

japnayuta @japnayuta
commented on
japnayuta @japnayuta
Hi there,I'm just a newbe of this site,I'm Japanese and really good to see you here.
Hope you have some fun to get the something new from Shinto.
Shinto and Budism are united very well each other in Japan.
without even realizing it,Japanese are linving with them since we are bone.
If you ask us,what your religion is,
Some people say Budism ,others say maybe Shinto or nothing.
that's interesting.
Because Shinto has no typical religious book like Bible,and no leader like Pope,
worships Gods of Yaoyorozu (polytheistic),nature such as Mountain,forest and even stones.
sometimes believes human being can be able to be worshiped like Enperor and Enpress.
desires for happiness in this life.but it is not difined after died.
so then in A.D 538 Budism brought in Japan and produced good results with Shinto.
Especially explained how the souls or Spirituals changes after died.
Sorry for taks so much.

japnayuta @japnayuta
commented on
japnayuta @japnayuta
Forgot to write...
The best reason that Japanese don't recognize thier religious piety is...
There is no ceremony and taking an oath to be,I think
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