Things to do at Anime expo
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
Things to do at Anime expo
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
Taking picture and cosplaying is one and I recently taken interest in console gaming but I didn't find that out into the 4th day of anime expo.
So I was wondering if there anything fun and interesting at anime expo
Pawlitics @pawlitics
commented on
Things to do at Anime expo
Pawlitics @pawlitics
There's a ton of stuff to do! Granted, you might have to spend some extra money. For example, there's the huge exhibitor's hall and artist's ally where you can buy stuff. There are concerts you can attend and the masquerade, but they cost additional money (which is odd, since I believe Anime Expo is the only con I know of that charges money for that). But they have a free chibi masquerade which is just as fun. There's a maid cafe that costs money. But all the panels and workshops are free and if you check the schedule when it comes out I'm sure there'll be at least one thing on there you'd be interested in (watching shows, meeting famous guests, learning a new skill or watch others demonstrate it, listen to voice actors, I can't remember if they have a dance or a rave but the charity auction is a ton of fun to watch even if you don't bid on anything). If you like taking pictures you can find out when some of the gatherings are (they're usually listed on the Anime Expo page of so you can check when cosplayers of your favorite series will be getting together to take pictures.
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
commented on
Things to do at Anime expo
blazingbow1 @blazingbow1
OK thanks you very much! I'm pretty interested in the maid cafe XD sounds good! The charity auction sounds interesting I might check it out
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