Am I the only one...

zeroe0 @zeroe0
Am I the only one...
zeroe0 @zeroe0
who can't stand cats??

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Am I the only one...
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
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Am I the only one...
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
<img src="" />
I physically can't stand cats since I'm allergic but it's nothing personal

Perpetual Thoughts @celestialparticles
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Am I the only one...
Perpetual Thoughts @celestialparticles
Damnit that picture is gonna haunt me in my dreams...

kittychaos91 @kittychaos91
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Am I the only one...
kittychaos91 @kittychaos91
But, cats D:

SquidNeko @darkcharmander
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Am I the only one...
SquidNeko @darkcharmander
Cats are cute. I like them.

ohmygod @ohmygod
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Am I the only one...
ohmygod @ohmygod
Yes. Cats are awesome, even if they are belligerent assholes.
I have 3.

zeroe0 @zeroe0
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Am I the only one...
zeroe0 @zeroe0
well for me, they are annoying little butt holes who make me sneeze and give me watery eyes, plus i can't really find a purpose for one, besides you know, companionship

shikamarachan @shikamarachan
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Am I the only one...
shikamarachan @shikamarachan
I hate having cats in my house. But that may be cause I'm so much like one... I really don't have any pets because all my time is spent on my little ones.

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
commented on
Am I the only one...
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
Cats are a-holes who are genetically designed to be cute to lure you in. Don't fall for it. Viva la resistance.
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