
HolyGoddess @holygoddess
commented on
HolyGoddess @holygoddess
its going to be the sun stars dont live forever and well be ingolfed by a red gient or it well just burn out and well be popsicles hehehe

Arkquency @shadonova
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Arkquency @shadonova
When Hollywood begins making good movies with smart plots the world will automatically blow up.

redrumrob @redrumrob
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redrumrob @redrumrob
the world will end when it ends.

vanityxaffair @pandoraxx3hearts
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vanityxaffair @pandoraxx3hearts
Just sit on your ass and eat up everything the media feeds you. A crock of bullshit, that's all it is.

gothicdollfie @gothicdollfie
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gothicdollfie @gothicdollfie
I don't think the world will end in 2012, that's just stupid.
I personally believe in Jesus and that the end of time is near, it's just not a set date though.

Akuma Slayer @jarredsaids
commented on
Akuma Slayer @jarredsaids
I remember when everyone said the world was going to end in 2000, and there was the evil "Y2K" computer glitch that was going to launch all the world's nuclear missiles. If you believe in the Book of Revelations, the end is a long, drawn out process with anti-christ, a HUGE war between his followers and followers of the true Christ, ... point is, it aint looking like that just yet. (And if you follow a different book or non at all, a quick glance around you should reassure you.) ... ZOMBIE!!!!

gothicdollfie @gothicdollfie
commented on
gothicdollfie @gothicdollfie
lol zombies

Malakroth @malakroth
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Malakroth @malakroth
No, the world will NOT end in 2012, that is just when the Mayans' (I think) calendar ends . . . which means the were poor calendarsmiths, and nothing else XD

LunaPhinx @lunaphinx
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LunaPhinx @lunaphinx
Absolutely not. It's really all a bunch of horse poop! The Mayans NEVER predicted the end of the world, as my textbook and actual Mayan researchers say, they actually predicted a 'big change'. And their clock was a circle. 360, which just goes round, and although it was extremely accurate, it was off. I can't remember if it was early or late, but..yeah..the movie hype is ridiculous.

ulquiorra_schiffer @ulquiorra_schiffer
commented on
ulquiorra_schiffer @ulquiorra_schiffer
Naaaahhhh its gonna just be like 1999 when everyone though the year 2000 was the end though i do beleive its close....*cant ya tell im christian :P*
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